Thursday, June 8, 2023


 1 Corinthians 2:9-10                      (ESV)

“[9] But, as it is written, 

    “What no eye has seen, nor ear heard,

        nor the heart of man imagined,

    what GOD has prepared for those who love HIM”—

    [10] these things “GOD HAS REVEALED TO US” through the SPIRIT. For the SPIRIT searches everything, even the depths of GOD.”

There are people who believe that JESUS only shared WHO HE was with people who BELIEVED, with those who were CHOSEN?  After all, HE was THE CREATOR and everyone “should” know where they came from?  

I didn’t know my earthly father until I was almost 24 years old.  I met him and was so underwhelmed by the absence of love for me, his son, that I refrained from seeing him again until he was near death.  

How could anyone NOT love someone given to them by ALMIGHTY GOD, THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSES?  To understand that HE CHOSE us from before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4) FOR A PURPOSE, to serve HIM is something that we must OPEN our EYES to SEE!  

“GOD HAS REVEALED TO US”, via HIS HOLY SPIRIT, what HE has CHOSEN us to do for HIM!    The sad thing is that sometimes I am in such a hurry that I exhibit very little interest in SEEING what GOD wants to do and I try to accommodate what I think is best!  FATHER IN HEAVEN, I beg YOU to not give up on me and display to me that which “GOD HAS REVEALED TO US” for YOUR GLORY!!!

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