Saturday, February 11, 2012


This morning was/is a slow morning. I got up and was eating breakfast an realized my wife had finished reading the newspaper. I went over and since it is SATURDAY I was going to find out what was in the CHEERS AND JEERS portion of the paper. All that was in the paper today was three jeers! Why is it that people tend to write COMPLAINTS rather than PRAISE!

Is it that way when I speak to GOD? Do I come to HIM with only JEERS? Sometimes I notice I pray and give my wish list to GOD and then hurry on with my life! I live SUCH a busy life! But, GOD has shown me that HE can slow things down if HE needs to! Job 33:31-33 (ESV) says "Pay attention, O Job, listen to me;
be silent, and I will speak.
If you have any words, answer me;
speak, for I desire to justify you.
If not, listen to me;
be silent, and I will teach you wisdom.”

GOD is telling us that we need to not only share our needs with HIM, but listen to HIM for WISDOM! Guidance and Direction is sought from HIM but we SELDOM listen long enough for the answers in life! May I be careful to "COMMUNE" with GOD and not just give HIM my "wish-list". HE is so WORTHY and I am so NOT!!!

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