Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Looking for answers....but what was the question?

I have noticed that alot of times I find myself wondering what to do next, where to go, how to do what needs to be done, and when it HAS to be done.  I find myself "creating" an issue when there is really not one. Perhaps GOD is telling me to just listen to HIM? We try to busy ourselves so much that we are always to busy to LISTEN!!

Psalms 46:10 says "BE STILL........and know that I am GOD" .  Sometimes GOD just needs me to STOP and listen to HIM.  HE has all the answers and I want them!  But, I usually want them in my time and according to what I WANT!  GOD is not impressed or amazed with how busy you make yourself or how many activities you allow to consume your time.  Perhaps, we need to S L O W     D O W N !!

JOB 33:31-33 says "Pay attention, O Job, listen to me: be silent, and I will speak.  If you have any words, answer me: speak, for I desire to justify you.  If not, listen to me, BE SILENT, and I will reach you wisdom."

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