Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Isaiah 55:8........."My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the LORD."

Why is it that we are so sure that GOD would not allow something to happen?  Why would HE let something we see as being bad happen in someone's life?  Why do bad things happen to good people?  Does GOD not know what we are going through?  Did HE forget to set HIS alarm this morning?  Is the so-called bad that happens in our life something that is "irreversible"? 

Do you think when JESUS was before Pilate that it was bleak enough for GOD to step in?  Was it time on the "via dolorosa" (The way of grief) that JESUS needed intervention?  When the nails were being driven into the hands of my Lord, was that the time?  JESUS was put in a borrowed tomb, yet the time was not yet come?  

THREE DAYS LATER, when all HOPE was gone, when HE was but a memory,  JESUS stepped up and REDEEMED............. my SOUL and your SOUL and gave HOPE to mankind!  Once again, GOD provided for us a way of redemption...............we just have to accept his redemption!  It is free!  The Creator of the World paid for it and I have never seen anyone BIG ENOUGH to send HIM a bill! 

C.S. Lewis said "You don't have a soul.  You ARE a Soul.  You have a body."  I am SURE that one day this body will be claimed by earthly forces.  But, my soul!!  It shall live forever!!!

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