Tuesday, February 14, 2012


I recently found a photo of a 12 week old baby.  The baby fit inside the hand an adult!  It is precious and it made me want to hug his/her neck.

TWELVE WEEKS OLD!  The baby had not been full term, it was 12 weeks old FROM CONCEPTION!!!  Why do some people label such as a FETUS?  Why don't they come right out and say what the child is?  One day, and it may be JUDGEMENT DAY, ALL will have to give an account of their deeds on this earth.  The abortionists and the one's who let their babies be killed will have to answer to a HOLY GOD about how they could MURDER a defenseless little child in a mothers womb! 

I am 51 years old.  I am 6'6" tall.  A little over 4 years ago I had a brain hemorrhage that almost took my life. What makes me more valuable that the little infant described?  How can one DECIDE they don't want a life to exist!   I recovered fully from the brain hemorrhage and am back at work living a productive life.  It cost in the neighborhood of $600,000 to keep me alive!  How may babies would we save for $600,000?

A friend of mine recently said "If it grows, IT'S ALIVE!"  I have not, and cannot, say it more eloquently!

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