Friday, February 17, 2012

February 17, 1984! A day that will live in INFAMY!!!

"Today is the first day of the rest of your life!".  Never have more true or defining words been spoken for me......28 years ago tonight!

On February 17, 1984 Lisa Jean Barlow suckered into my persuasion and became Mrs. Ray Nelson!  Yes, she has been my wife ever since!  To say I am blessed is truly the understatement of the century.  She has remained through us not having any money, me not having my health, us not having a job (at the same time!), us having two wonderful GOD- fearing sons, us becoming insurance agents (not at the same time!), me hitting her in the head with a 4X4 (accident, I promise), both of our sons getting married, inheriting puppies from both of our sons, and on and on!  Why has she remained? 

When there is NO explanation..............IT MUST BE GOD!!!  When I was in bad health in 2007, Doctors could not explain HOW I could recover the way I did!  My Neurologist used to call me a "GOD THING" when I would go for a follow up visit.  There was no earthly reason or explanation for my recovery!  There is NO earthly reason or explanation for Lisa to still be here with me........except for GOD!  HE has given me the most beautiful, loving wife in the world an I don't tell her enough.  SO today, LISA B. NELSON YOU ARE LOVED THE MOSTEST!!!!

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