Tuesday, November 20, 2012

"Do OVER"!!

The photo I have attached is of some handwriting of mine when I was 47 years old! I know! Many 4 years olds today write better than that, and for sure 7 years old!

But, you see, I was learning to write AGAIN! The brain hemorrhage I experienced occurred in the LEFT hemisphere of my brain which rendered the RIGHT side of my body "Hemiplegic" or paralyzed. I had to learn to walk, talk, and
develop my motor skills (writing) again.

Sometimes we, mainly me, tend to forget the lessons previously ! Although I learned to write in elementary school, I had to re-learn when I was 47 years old because of the hemorrhage.

Life is VERY similar. I find myself being taught the same lessons I was taught when I was younger! LORD, Why do I have to be taught this lesson AGAIN! And HE gently and softly responds "Because you did not learn ALL you needed before"!!

Psalms 27:14 (ESV)
Wait for the LORD; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the LORD!

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