Tuesday, November 27, 2012



Faith is a misunderstood phenomenon.   It us not a HOPE SO or a MAYBE SO!  We say we have FAITH, but when it comes down to s serious matter, DO WE?

As many of you know, I experienced a brain hemorrhage over five years ago.   I was put into a drug induced coma for a number of days.   I have NO recall of what was going on.   It was if that period of time does not exist in my memory.  

I have asked my wife about what went on while I was in the coma?  I want to better understand what she and my family went through when I was "OUT"!  She tells me that she did not have great "FAITH" that I was going to be healed, SHE JUST KNEW everything was going to be okay!  

I have experienced what my medical records describe as a "Miracle from GOD" as far as my physical recovery.   My mental status was in question BEFORE the hemorrhage, so we won't argue that point?!?  This statement in the picture was posted by a friend yesterday and it has been on my heart since I read it at 12:25AM this morning. 

My wife "just knew" everything was going to be okay!  Nurses and Doctors familiar with my case say she was naive or uninformed.  Regardless, she refused to listen to the "Naysayers" and remained positive!  

I "choose" to remain positive!  Many times in scripture a choice has to be made.  One on my favorites in John 15:16.   It records JESUS saying "You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the Father in my name, he may give it to you."  

My FAITH is continually growing in HIM!  HE NEVER FAILS!  

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