Wednesday, November 21, 2012


As the Holidays approach, I have to remind myself that holidays is REALLY meant as "HOLY DAYS".   
Wikipedia's Etymology of the word "Holiday" states the following.  
The word holiday derived from the notion of "Holy Day", and gradually "evolved" to its current form.

The word holiday comes from the Old English word hāligdæg. The word originally referred only to special religious days. In modern use, it means any special day of rest or relaxation, as opposed to normal days away from work or school.

It is a disgrace that today we seem to be more interested in "Black Friday" than the Thursday preceding!   And Christmas is a time of the birth of the Saviour of the World, not a time to go so far into debt that is takes the rest of the year to climb out!

It would do us ALL some good to slow down..........and remember what we are doing and why we are here!  The words of a song-HE STILL SPEAKS- comes to my mind.  

Amidst a hustling, clambering world
Sometimes it's hard to hear
The voice of GOD speaking to my soul
But in my quiet time alone
When I approach HIS Holy throne
His tender words fall gently on my ear

HE still speaks
I know HIS voice
Sweeter sounds never heard by mortal ear
And to think that GOD by HIS own choice
Would speak to me it makes me rejoice 
HE Still speaks
I know HIS voice

There are so many who still doubt
That GOD can speak today
They laugh and mock when we say we've heard from GOD
Yet that still small voice of GOD is heard
Above the doubters of this world
HIS timeless words ring out with hope today

HE still speaks
I know HIS voice
Sweeter sounds never heard by mortal ear
And to think that GOD by HIS own choice
Would speak to me it makes me rejoice 
HE Still speaks
I know HIS voice

HE Still speaks
I know HIS voice

We all, including me, need to  remember that it's not about what we GET for Christmas, but it is about ALMIGHTY GOD providing redemptions plan for me!  

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