Friday, November 28, 2014


Ecclesiastes 12:13-14                      (KJV)
"13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: "FEAR GOD", and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.
14 For GOD shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.

Much has been said and written about our country and the way our neighbors are treated, or mistreated, within the past few days.  To declare myself to be on one side or the other is not something I choose to do.  I am a large person by almost any standard and I fear very few people.  But, I have been SO close to death that I realize just how quickly things can happen, whether you are ready for it to happen or not!

One thing I do FEAR greatly......... I do "FEAR GOD"!  I am not scared of GOD, but I have a respect for HIM beyond description.  GOD has demonstrated to me in an up close and personal way HIS awesome power and might.  HE can take away an ability to walk and talk without so much as a headache and restore your ability to walk within a half hour with no fanfare!  HE can baffle the best doctors for three weeks, and then, without notice, cause healing to unexplainably occur without notice!

In verse 14 above scripture reads "For GOD shall bring every work into judgment"!  The good and the bad, EVERY WORK will be judged no matter how secret we seem to think the things have been!  Man, am I going to be embarrassed to have my sins exposed at the Judgement Seat!  A smooth talking lawyer won't suffice when GOD is doing the judging.  GOD will see right through any scheme or trick to hide the truth!  Only TRUTH (John 14:6) will be allowed to be presented.

How can anyone say that they don't "FEAR GOD"?  How does one plan to stand before a HOLY GOD and say they didn't know the Judgement Seat was real?  If you are reading this, you have been exposed to the truth.  There will be no excuse good enough on that day.  The only plea that can be made on my behalf is when JESUS says "he's one of mine FATHER"!  If you don't know JESUS, you had better get to know HIM quickly!  You may not "FEAR GOD" today, but on Judgement Day we will all "FEAR GOD"!!!

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