Saturday, November 22, 2014


Psalms 8:1-4                   (ESV)
"1 O LORD, our LORD, how majestic is YOUR name in all the earth! YOU  have set your glory above the heavens. 
2 Out of the mouth of babies and infants, YOU have established strength because of YOUR foes, to still the enemy and the avenger. 
3 When I look at YOUR heavens, the work of YOUR fingers, the moon and the stars, which YOU have set in place, 
4 "WHAT IS MAN" that YOU are mindful of him, and the son of man that YOU care for him?"

Having been larger than most people my age my entire life, I have become accustomed to considering myself as the biggest in my circles.  My current height is over six foot six inches tall. There are relatively few people who are taller than me.  But every now and then there is someone who I have to look up to. I have a nephew that is seven feet one inch tall!  Even he is not the tallest person I know!

But when one stops to think about how big GOD is, the vastness is beyond my comprehension.  The earth is one of nine planets in our solar system.  There are four much larger planets and four smaller ones.  There are said to be a number of other solar systems besides ours.  Yet GOD holds our "ALL THINGS" (Colossians 1:17) together!  HE is so VAST that HE rules universes, yet HE cared for me enough to allow HIS SON to be sacrificed as a ransom for my soul!

Slowing our lives down enough to consider the vastness and purity of our HEAVENLY FATHER is something the enemy is definitely not interested in.  One of the enemies biggest deceptions is to keep us so busy with making money, or solving problems, or our health concerns, or anything other than how magnificent our GOD is!  When we are thinking of how GLORIOUS our GOD is, our fears and doubts vanish!   The enemy wants us to focus on our problems.  GOD wants us to focus on HIM!

Two songs come to mind when deliberating this devotional.  "How Big is GOD" and "Who am I".  "How Big is GOD" has a line that says "He's big enough to rule the mighty universe, yet small enough to live within my heart"!  "Who am I" simply asks "Who am I that a KING would bleed and die for?"  The words "WHAT IS MAN" in Psalms 8 was written by King David over 3,000 years ago.  Yet David knew even then that man is limited by his natural state, but GOD has no such limitations and HE would come and defeat those natural limitations if we would believe in HIS Spiritual BEING.  

Yes, I know a BEING WHO is a lot bigger than than my six and a half feet tall stature.  My GOD is bigger than I can fathom, yet HE can fit into the smallest of hearts imaginable!  That GOD is a Spirit (John 4:24) allows HIM to enter places the natural man cannot understand or imagine.  "WHAT IS MAN" that a KING would bleed and die for?  The only words I can answer that question with is AMAZING GRACE!!!

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