Saturday, November 1, 2014


Isaiah 48:10-11                       (ESV)
"10 Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tried you in the furnace of affliction. 
11 "FOR MY OWN SAKE", for MY own sake, I do it, for how should my name be profaned? MY glory I will not give to another. "

Whether we admit it or not, when we go through tough times, or see others going through tough times, our tendency is to automatically assume the ones going through the tough time have displeased GOD!  There must be some sin we/they are paying for?  Could it be that we go through difficult circumstances in order for us to grow in HIM and so HE can be glorified??

The verses surrounding the above passage were enlightening for me as GOD is telling the house of Jacob (JEWS) that GOD WILL get HIS glory!  HE WILL NOT share HIS glory with another.  The commentary below is on Isaiah 48:9-15, but it says enough to make me meditate for days!  

"We have nothing ourselves to plead with GOD, why HE should have mercy upon us. It is for HIS praise, to the honour of HIS mercy, to spare. HIS bringing men into trouble was to do them good. It was to refine them, but not as silver; not so thoroughly as men refine silver. If GOD should take that course, they are all dross, and, as such, might justly be put away. HE takes them as refined in part only. Many have been brought home to GOD as chosen vessels, and a good work of grace begun in them, in the furnace of affliction. It is comfort to GOD's people, that GOD will secure HIS OWN HONOUR , therefore work deliverance for them. And if GOD delivers his people, HE cannot be at a loss for instruments to be employed. GOD has formed a plan, in which, for HIS own sake, and the glory of his grace, HE saves all that come to Him."

My prayer is that I will understand that there is NONE RIGHTEOUS, NO NOT ONE and that GOD may not be punishing those who are going through the furnace of affliction.  Instead HE may be molding them into vessels HE can use for a mighty work for HIS GLORY, GLORY that HE will not share with another!  It is "FOR MY OWN SAKE' that GOD brings some into trouble!  Some may be able to stand a hotter fire and those are the ones that GOD can use "FOR MY OWN SAKE"!!

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