Thursday, November 13, 2014

"HE does whatever HE pleases!"

Psalms 115:1-3                 (NASB)
"1 Not to us, O LORD, not to us, But to YOUR name give glory Because of YOUR lovingkindness, because of YOUR truth. 2 Why should the nations say, “Where, now, is their GOD?” 3 But our GOD is in the heavens; "HE does whatever HE pleases"."

The word 'CONTROL' has been on my heart for a while.  We all believe we are in at least some CONTROL of our lives.  What we eat, where we go, what we say, how we react to situations, and on and on.  We think we CONTROL the things that transpire within our lives.  

But what happens when things are beyond our CONTROL?  What do you do when things are beyond our capabilities to fix them?  There are times GOD displays that "HE does whatever HE pleases" and there is NO DOUBT there has to have been DIVINE intervention.    

My intentions are not to glorify the event, but when my brain hemorrhaged in 2007 my doctors records from September 25, 2007 say "However, he has had an remarkable recovery that can only be described as a miracle from God."  When situations get beyond our CONTROL or explanation, we tend to describe them as miraculous.  But GOD is not limited by our perception of how powerful, or loving, or awesome we think HE is.  GOD is GOD and "HE does whatever HE pleases"!  

Verse one of Psalms 115 says something we constantly overlook.  "To YOUR name give glory" is something that we were created for.  Psalms 66:4 says "All the earth will worship You, And will sing praises to You; They will sing praises to Your name.”  We were formed to sing praises to GOD!  There seems to be people, as I have been in times passed, who want to expound on the bad that earthly leaders are doing.  But as I recently wrote "THEY GLORIFIED GOD", whether by choice or not!  

GOD is not constricted by what we THINK is good or just.  "HE does whatever HE pleases" for HIS glory!  Whenever we start living and believing that we are in CONTROL, our glory tends to be shared with OUR CREATOR.  "HE does whatever HE pleases" should be a loving warning to us all that, apart from HIS mercy and long-suffering, this evil world would receive judgement!  That day when "HE does whatever HE pleases" is coming quickly though!

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