Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Hebrews 11:29                       (ESV)
"BY FAITH" the people crossed the Red Sea as on dry land, but the Egyptians, when they attempted to do the same, were drowned."

The story about the Exodus from Egypt has been discussed for thousands of years, I'm sure!  When I was a child I believed the Exodus story was a fable, a well intentioned, over exaggeration of an phenomenon of biblical proportions.  How could 3 million people cross where a sea "on dry ground" and thousands of Egyptians get swallowed up by water right behind them?  Of course, as I matured I grew to understand that "with GOD, all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26)!  

Recently I came across an article that tells of modern archeologists in the Gulf of Suez discovering remains of over 5,000 humans from 14th Century BC.  You may read below:  (http://worldnewsdailyreport.com/red-sea-archaeologists-discover-remains-of-egyptian-army-from-the-biblical-exodus/).  

There seems to be little doubt from these scientists that the biblical account of Egyptians being swallowed by the Red Sea is true.  I'm sure they can't explain just what transpired, but there are  skeletons to verify what the Bible states.   There are those who will not believe, but there will ALWAYS be those!  Evidence is evidence and GOD is no less because people choose to NOT believe in HIM.  

Hebrews 11:29 says "BY FAITH" the people crossed the Red Sea.  And "BY FAITH" I choose to believe that GOD does what HE says HE will do!  GOD told Moses to lead the Israelites across the Red Sea.  In Exodus 14:15-18 GOD told Moses HE would "get glory" over Pharaoh and his army.  Exodus 14:28 says of the Egyptians "not one of them remained".  I choose "BY FAITH" to place my trust in the same GOD who they recently found evidence of HIS mighty work!  

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