Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Malachi 3:6           (ESV)
"For I the LORD DO NOT CHANGE; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed."

The LORD is really impressing on my heart today how HE has ALWAYS been and ALWAYS will be!  The WORLD is constantly changing, coming up with new inventions and gadgets to improve our way of living.  And a lot of those changes are enjoyed by many.  Electricity, Air Conditioning, automobiles, microwave ovens, and on and on, "improvements" are all around us, and most "improvements" are taken for granted.  We are of the belief we are so self-sufficient we require no assistance from a higher being!  We think we can dictate or mandate whatever we wish to accomplish our desires.

All throughout scripture mankind has experienced GOD being glorified by HIS own creation.  In Luke 19:37-40 the Pharisees had requested that JESUS ask HIS disciples to tone things down just a bit.  They were embarrassing some who didn't want to believe that HE was the Son of GOD.  But JESUS told them that if HIS disciples were silenced that "the rocks" would cry out.  What would "the rocks" cry out?  In verse 38 HIS disciples were proclaiming "Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord! Peace in heaven and GLORY IN THE HIGHEST!".  

We were created to give GOD glory.  The enemy would have us live and believe that "WE" are the focal point, and that we should work to draw glory to ourselves.  Thankfully GOD is merciful and longsuffering.  2 Chronicles 30:9b says "For the LORD your GOD is gracious and merciful and will not turn away HIS face from you, IF YOU RETURN TO HIM."  

"GOD DOES NOT CHANGE"!  The only hope of mankind is that we RETURN TO HIM!  We can invent and improve our lifestyle's to where the entire world has wealth and comfort.  We can rid the world of sickness and disease.  We can eliminate wars and conflicts.  But until we fulfill our purpose of PRAISING HIM, we will not be satisfied.  Since "GOD DOES NOT CHANGE", we may need to RETURN TO HIM and praise HIM more and stop focusing on ourselves?!?!?

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