Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Philippians 4:6-7                 (ESV)
"6 do not be ANXIOUS about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to GOD.
7 And the peace of GOD, which surpasses all understanding, WILL guard your hearts and your minds "IN CHRIST JESUS"."

My opinion of my faith is not as grandiose as what others may think my faith is.  At times I fret and worry about things beyond my pay grade!  There are too many instances where I try to alter the outcome of happenings in my life to fit my predetermined idea of how things should be, rather than trusting in the LORD for results.  Whenever I become ANXIOUS, I am usually really saying I don't TRUST GOD for good enough results.  

The word "supplication" in Philippians 4:6 has always been hard for me to understand. The New Living Translation (NLT) of Philippians 4:6 states "Tell GOD what you need, and thank HIM for all HE has done"!  Now since GOD is omniscient and omnipresent, there is nothing HE is enlightened about when HE hears our prayers.  Why then are we instructed to "tell GOD what you need" when HE already knows what we need?  That seems like it could be a waste of time?  

Could it be that GOD "inhabits" time with us, much like we enjoy our kids crawling into our laps and telling us things we already know?  Does GOD have time to listen to me crying out for assistance for problems HE already has the answer to?  Can you fathom The CREATOR of the Universes actually desiring spending time with someone as seemingly insignificant as me on a daily basis?  

Well, not only does HE desire a relationship with us, HE declared my future rests "IN CHRIST JESUS"!  CHRIST JESUS guards my heart and mind IF I will share my heart with HIM in prayer. That is one reason the enemy wants us to be "too busy" to pray to JEHOVAH GOD!  The enemy would like us to believe that we have accomplished so much on our own.  But in reality, the only lasting things we accomplish are "IN CHRIST JESUS"!!  My intent is to SLOW my life down and move at a pace where I can be "IN CHRIST JESUS" in everything I do!

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