Monday, November 23, 2015


Psalms 46:8-11                          (ESV)
"8 Come, behold the works of the LORD, how HE has brought desolations on the earth.
9 HE makes wars cease to the end of the earth; HE breaks the bow and shatters the spear; HE burns the chariots with fire.
10 "BE STILL", and know that I am GOD. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"
11 The LORD of hosts is with us; the GOD of Jacob is our fortress."

This morning I began my day desiring to hear "a word" from GOD.  My desire is to have the course my life in traveling be so controlled by the SPIRIT of GOD that I am moved by the slightest breath of wind!

As winter approaches and colder weather follows, my mind goes to December 25, 2000 when severe ice storm occurred in the area I live in.  The electricity was disabled in some places for over a month and life as we had known it came to a halt!  Everything that mankind held to be so important was put on hold by an event that man had absolutely no control over!  GOD was in control!

The memory of me sitting on our front porch Christmas night hearing the tree limbs breaking, but with no traffic noises nor any other noises in the background, remains so vivid in my mind.  "BE STILL" was never more authentic, more real, than it was at that particular time in my life.  Most everyone will say that the ice storm was devastating, but Psalms 46:8 says "HE has brought desolations on the earth" and HE doesn't make mistakes!  GOD has a Plan and all I need to do is allow HIM to be glorified in my life whether in sunshine or ice storms!

The peace and quiet immediately following the Christmas 2000 Ice Storm is something that I do not have words to describe.  The time devoted to GOD (called by some a "quiet time") should cause us to "BE STILL" much like the ice storm did in my life!  Being alone with GOD can change a life dramatically as in Genesis 32:24!  The nation of Israel got its name from Jacob struggling with GOD and having his life changed by the struggle!

There is no substitute for spending time with GOD.  When life gets so hectic and busy GOD is capable of letting us know that HE IS GOD!  HE can cause circumstances to slow your life down, or HE can make you "BE STILL"!  Will you voluntarily spend time with HIM, or will HE have to make you "BE STILL"?

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