Thursday, November 12, 2015


Psalms 107:8-11                           (ESV)
"8 Let them thank the LORD for HIS steadfast love, for HIS wondrous works to the children of man!
9 For "HE SATISFIES THE LONGING SOUL", and the hungry soul HE fills with good things.
10 Some sat in darkness and in the shadow of death, prisoners in affliction and in irons,
11 for they had REBELLED AGAINST THE WORDS OF GOD, and spurned the counsel of the MOST HIGH."

Do you ever think the LORD has too much on HIS plate to be concerned with the problems of your life?  "This world" seems to be full of sickness, hate, hurt, and self centeredness to a point where you would think that GOD had given up on us.  But the Psalmist writes in the first verse on this chapter "Oh give thanks to the LORD, for HE is good, for HIS steadfast love ENDURES FOREVER!"  It may appear so DARK because we have chosen to hide HIS light from shining through our lives (John 8:12)?

Isn't it amazing that the promises of GOD literally flood HIS scriptures and I seldom find the time to notice them?  When I consider nothing but my life, the blessings are far too numerous to list.  Yet the enemy desires to block those memories of blessings from my mind and keep me focused on my immediate concerns.  The LORD has promised to work "all things" together for my good, so why should I fret over anything?    

The enemy has made deception an art where he constantly tries to imitate GOD's blessings with worldly possessions we call "things"!  Regardless of the enemies  deceptive practices the "things" of this world have never, can never, nor will ever SATISFY THE SOUL!  Why does it matter if our soul is satisfied?  C.S. Lewis said "You don't have a soul.  You ARE a soul. You have a body!"  Our inner being, who we REALLY are, is our soul.  We have been deceived into believing that "this world" is what really matters, but the TRUTH will become blatantly clear when we draw out final breath on earth.

"HE SATISFIES THE LONGING SOUL" when we come to HIM and trust in HIM.  But, we must come to HIM before it is too late!  We can't wait past our time here on earth to surrender to HIM.  Don't let the deceiver cloud your mind with the fast paced lifestyle and worldly "things" that are temporary!  If you allow JESUS, "HE SATISFIES THE LONGING SOUL" and you can have peace and eternal life!!

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