Friday, November 13, 2015


Ephesians 4:29                       (ESV)
"29 Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may "GIVE GRACE" to those who hear."

Just this one verse is enough to cause my Spirit to humbly evaluate my actions for quite some time. The WORDS we speak can be used to build people up, or they can be used to brutally tear people down!  We choose to be kind, and we choose to be "not so kind"!  Even when we are delivering an unpleasant message it can be done in a respectful manner.

Allowing our emotions to control the words that proceed from our lips is one of the least responsible things we can do.  And from past experience, it seems when you get started it is hard to stop being critical.  Why should we desire to bury someone when we are delivering unpleasant words?  In my past I have been guilty of being less than kind where I could have "GIVEN GRACE" to others.

A few years back I was delivered some news at my office from a business acquaintance.  He was very straight to the point and almost belligerent!  I was left feeling almost less than human as the oration was completed. It has taken me quite sometime to get over the humiliation dealt to me that day.  But everything has its purpose and GOD is showing me where I might have been a little less than compassionate in my dealings with people in my past.   Matthew 7:2, "For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you"; has a completely new meaning for me!

If we "GIVE GRACE" that same grace could be extended to us when we are un need of it.  I don't want to ever make people feel the way I felt that day in my office.  My desire is to display the love of CHRIST in my life and "GIVE GRACE" in my dealings with others!!!

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