Saturday, November 14, 2015


2 Timothy 3:1                        (KJV)
" This know also, that in the last days "PERILOUS TIMES" shall come."

Despite the current happenings in this world (like Paris, France) I try to not get tremendously upset or bothered.  It seems that I do have to constantly remind myself of what JESUS said in John 16:33 "In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I HAVE OVERCOME THE WORLD!"   The entire world seems to not want to push their faith on others. Then when their FAITH is adequately hidden, the forces are darkness reveal themselves, and we act like GOD doesn't care that HIS LIGHT is not evident?

GOD HAS A PLAN!  Sometimes I don't understand why bad things happen to seemingly good people, nor when unscrupulous people prosper?  But I do know that GOD is in control and HIS Plan will be accomplished!  Psalms 18:30 says "As for GOD, HIS WAY IS PERFECT: the word of the LORD is tried: HE is a buckler to all those that trust in HIM."

To understand that GOD is in control, even when evil seemingly prospers, is a faith lesson that has to be experienced!  Perhaps you have heard it said "You just have to have been there"?  Until you have experienced GOD being in control, when you can look back and KNOW there is no way you should have gotten through that which you came through, ONLY THEN can you truly KNOW that GOD is in control!

"PERILOUS TIMES" are coming, and are here!  JESUS said in Matthew 5:14-16 that we can't hide our light from others!  We will be persecuted (Matthew 24:9) so don't think that GOD has abandoned you when "this world" tries to put out your light!  JESUS has overcome "this world" and HE will reign victorious, even in "PERILOUS TIMES"!!!

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