Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Psalms 27:14                             (KJV)
"14 "WAIT ON THE LORD": be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD."

Frequently I search for a scripture passage using an Internet search engine.  While I still have a STRONG'S EXHAUSTIVE CONCORDANCE bought for me years ago, an Internet search results in a number of results that oftentimes are just where GOD is leading me!  The verse above is one of my favorites, as it emphasizes our need to "WAIT ON THE LORD".......twice!

While recently using an Internet search engine, I searched for the word "bible" and "hurry".  It seems I formerly was constantly in a hurry, trying to meet deadlines either in my business or personal life, or both.  The search brought up a devotional that had an ending  paragraph I found worth sharing:

"GOD wants us to see results as we work for HIM, but HIS first concern is our growth. That’s why HE often withholds success until we have LEARNED PATIENCE. The LORD teaches us this needed lesson through the BLESSED DISCIPLINE OF DELAY."

GOD has given me a VISION for my future, but my tendency is to want to MAKE the VISION happen, to do something the LORD!  Although the VISION is there, "WAITING ON THE LORD" is a must because if we are ahead of HIM, or behind HIM, we are on our own (John 15:4-5) and we can do NOTHING without HIM.  Learning to "WAIT ON THE LORD" can be a painful lesson to learn.  But doing things any other way may result in us drawing praise toward ourselves and not HIM?

GOD will not share HIS glory with anyone (Isaiah 42:8)!  When we "WAIT ON THE LORD " for HIS Plan, for HIS results, no matter how long it takes, it will be ALL because of HIM and HIS Works.

HEAVENLY FATHER, I pray that I will be more focused on drawing glory to YOU.  Cause me to see that for me to "WAIT ON THE LORD" is part of submitting to YOUR LORDSHIP over my life.

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