Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Proverbs 2:1-5                        (NASB)
"My son, if you will receive my words And treasure my commandments within you, "MAKE YOUR EAR" attentive to wisdom, Incline your heart to understanding; FOR IF you cry for discernment, Lift your voice for understanding; If you seek her as silver and search for her as for hidden treasures; THEN YOU WILL DISCERN the fear of the LORD  and discover the knowledge of GOD."

Not wanting to glorify the brain hemorrhage I experienced a few years back is something I am careful to avoid.  It is not my intention to relate that there is anything special about my healing, on the contrary!  But there is something special about my HEALER, and my desire is to glorify HIM every time I am given the opportunity!

Upon awaking that summer morning, I was unable to walk and my speech was extremely unintelligible.  The words were plain enough, but I was unable to formulate sentences in comprehensible manner.  Hearing my granddaughters babble this weekend reminded me of that morning. Their smiles and facial expressions told me they were happy, but the words could not be understood by me.  Their mothers seemingly knew if their diaper needed to be changed or if it was time for feeding because they intimately knew the child!

Proverbs 2 indicates we need to "MAKE YOUR EAR" more receptive to the frequency that GOD is speaking to us.  At times it has seemed as though I was praying to an empty hole, and other times it seems as though the SPIRIT of GOD is so real I could touch and feel HIM!  To experience that intimacy with the Creator, we have to work on our relationship with HIM.  My grandchildren will not just assume they are special to me and neither can GOD!  It is up to me to "MAKE YOUR EAR" listen on HIS frequency!

THEN YOU WILL DISCERN (according to Proverbs 2:5) the fear of the LORD and discover the knowledge of GOD!  The enemy wants our schedules to be so hectic that we don't have time for GOD and HIS precepts.  In order for us to be successful in our jobs we have to display a willingness to fit in with "this world" and it's fast-paced lifestyle.

Hearing from GOD requires us listening on HIS frequency.  When we know HIM more intimately (as my grandchildren's mothers know them) we can know GOD's heart and HIS desires for our lives.  FATHER IN HEAVEN, I pray that I will "MAKE MY EAR" attentive to YOUR Wisdom and will be so intimate with YOU that I will sense YOUR will for my life!!

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