Monday, November 16, 2015


Psalms 56:1-4                       (ESV)
"1 Be gracious to me, O GOD, for man tramples on me; all day long an attacker oppresses me;
2 my enemies trample on me all day long, for many attack me proudly.
3 When I am afraid, "I PUT MY TRUST IN YOU".
4 In GOD, whose word I praise, in GOD I trust; I shall not be afraid. What can flesh do to me?"

Most people in civilized society used some sort of bank accounts to transact business.  The public generally evaluates banks by their assets and abilities to accept risks.  A really strong bank usually has enough reserves to generate adequate TRUST, therefore generating more reserves.  However, the larger the bank grows the less risk they tend to accept leaving smaller clients with seemingly little hope at times.  Putting our trust in GOD will not leave you in such a predicament.

The writer of this Psalm, King David, didn't have a lot of financial concerns.  His problems generally came when he failed to keep his eyes on GOD and HIS divine plan.  David was keeper of the sheep until he slew Goliath when he, BY FAITH, used a slingshot to kill the enemy of the LORD.  GOD then directed HIS prophet Samuel to anoint David king when Saul continually disobeyed GOD's directives.

So why should King David be afraid of anything?  GOD HIMSELF had called him to lead HIS children, so who could cause him tribulations?  The enemy uses all kinds of disguises to get our eyes off of GOD's Glory.  Whether we see a Bathsheba on a rooftop, or a fancy new vehicle, or a great deal of money, whatever gets our attention off of GOD's Plan for our lives is most likely from the enemy!  When King David was afraid, he probably had his eyes off of GOD!

Today we can get our eyes on things that have no place in GOD's Plan for our lives.  We have schemes and plans we think are something GOD can use, but Isaiah 55:8-9 says "For MY thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways MY ways, declares the LORD.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are MY ways higher than your ways and MY thoughts than your thoughts".  GOD wants us to be obedient and TRUST HIS Plan!

Following GOD's Plan isn't as easy as it would appear.  Actually KNOWING GOD's Plan can be my biggest challenge.  I can think I'm headed where GOD wants me to go, and then all doors close and it appears I have been abandoned in the wilderness?  But GOD is in control of the wilderness, as well as the Temple, and HE has a Plan!  HE is just wanting me to say "I PUT MY TRUST IN YOU "!

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