Monday, November 2, 2015


Ephesians 5:15-17                            (ESV)
"15 Look carefully then "HOW YOU WALK", not as unwise but as wise,
16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil.
17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the LORD is."

Recently I was honored to attend a "Baby Dedication" for my youngest granddaughter at the church my oldest son attends.  While it is true I was glorying in the occasion, I did listen to the message spoken by the minister.  A couple of things stuck with me from the service that GOD continues to change me with.  Sharing these may help me become more of what GOD can be glorified by in my life.

Number one, the minister said that "Baby Dedication" should REALLY be "Parent" or "Church Dedication"!  How many three month old children will remember their dedication service?  Will it impact their lives to live for CHRIST, or will it cause them to steer clear of trouble in their decision making during their teen years?  My prayer is that I will be a GODLY influence on my children to MOLD them into vessels that GOD will be glorified with by their actions!

The minister also said when he teaches (or preaches), he does so for himself to remember what it is he teaches more so than his congregation to remember!  He said that most of us wouldn't remember his words past our lunch table!  A few of us would remember until Thursday, but he would remember it for years because he out a lot more into the study in preparation for the sermon.  I noticed that about my daily devotionals I have been sharing for about four years.  Making sure my life is changed is more the goal than anything else.  Please remember, when a finger is pointed at someone, three more are pointed ar me!

And the minister didn't make this point, but "HOW WE WALK" can mold our children and grandchildren much more than we imagine.  My regrets with my children are many, but "making the best use of the time" is probably the thing I would request to have a "redo" if I could, to do things that are wise, not unwise!  Struggling not to use the word "proud", I am so very honored to be the father of two young men who demonstrate a love for their families that is evident in their actions.  Others can see that love, but their children will be able to watch that love in "HOW THEY WALK" as they grow.

Many times I have recalled what a dear, trusted friend spoke to me years ago, "Writing helps crystallize my thoughts and enables me to better articulate my deductions".  The minister may have THOUGHT his words would be forgotten by most by Thursday, but GOD can plant and germinate thoughts in our minds and cause our worlds to change because of those words!   "HOW WE WALK" may be in my mind longer than till Thursday???

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