Friday, January 15, 2016


Romans 14:22-23                          (ESV)
"22 The FAITH that you have, keep "BETWEEN YOURSELF AND GOD". Blessed is the one who has no reason to pass judgment on himself for what he approves.
23 But whoever has doubts is condemned if he eats, because the eating is not from faith. FOR WHATEVER DOES NOT PROCEED FROM FAITH IS SIN."

Enlightening !  Walking by FAITH is not just an option for the Spiritually strong, rather a command for even the weakest of believers!  If we are walking by FAITH we have no other choice but to trust HIM with everything.  Having FAITH can be the most rewarding activity we can engage in, but it can also be the most challenging.  It is so "natural" to desire to work things out on our own.  Growing our natural man should not be a goal of a Spiritual being though!

The key to living a life that pleases GOD is to have FAITH!  "And without FAITH it is impossible to please HIM, for whoever would draw near to GOD must believe that HE exists and that HE rewards those who seek HIM" according to Hebrews 11:6.  Romans 8:23 says, in part, "FOR WHATEVER DOES NOT PROCEED FROM FAITH IS SIN."  Can it be more plainly stated that GOD loves, and requires, us to have FAITH in HIS ability to sustain us..........and on HIS timetable.

Others may see our FAITH and be drawn to GOD because of it, or be drawn closer to HIM, but our FAITH will only be "BETWEEN YOURSELF AND GOD".  There is no one else WHO can judge us concerning our FAITH than the INVISIBLE GOD.  While "this world" may not be able to actually SEE HIM, one can surely see HIS effect in Creation and life itself.

The conclusion of the matter is this, whether you BELIEVE there is a GOD or not, is between "BETWEEN YOURSELF AND GOD".  That decision must be made while you are "this world"!  There will be NO DOUBT when we reach the next world.  But that is "BETWEEN YOURSELF AND GOD"!!

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