Monday, January 18, 2016


Exodus 33:18-23
"18 Moses said, "Please show me your glory."
19 And HE said, "I will make all MY goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you MY name 'The LORD.' And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.
20 But," HE said, "you cannot see MY face, for MAN SHALL NOT SEE ME AND LIVE."
21 And the LORD said, "Behold, there is a place by ME where you shall stand on the rock,
22 and while MY glory passes by I will put you in a cleft of the rock, and I will cover you with MY hand until I have passed by.
23 Then I will take away MY hand, and you shall see MY back, but MY face shall not be seen." - Exodus 33:18-23

GOD JEHOVAH, YAHWEH, cannot be described, explained, imagined, even put into a question, for GOD is too vast, too powerful, too encompassing,.......and too everything!  Much like the children of Israel in Exodus 32, we want to SEE a god that we can describe, an entity we can "put in a box"!

That GOD is SPIRIT (John 4:24) should cause us to realize that we cannot physically "see" HIM.  Mankind has a desire to "see" GOD, but HE only chooses to reveal HIS handiwork to us, for to "see" HIM in all of HIS glory would kill us, according to Exodus 33:20.  We need to be careful what we let into our minds eye through what we "see", as we tend to put that on the pedestal of LORDSHIP in our lives.  Letting someone or something replace GOD on the throne of our lives is breaking the first commandment.

But what about what we can't see?  GOD is SPIRIT, so are we able to physically "see" GOD without our eyes being supernaturally opened?  According to Hebrews 11:23-28, Moses was led "as seeing HIM WHO was invisible"!  An oft used dictionary says when describing the word Invisible "3. not perceptible or discernible by the mind. powerful, too encompassing everything"!  Therefore, the mind may not be able to even discern how AWESOME GOD really is?

Yet, our GOD so desired a relationship with me, that HE sent HIS SON to this minuscule planet called earth to be despised and rejected by mankind, even though HE offered nothing but peace and life.  "This world" could not "see" the Spirit of the Invisible GOD before them, especially moving at the pace our lifestyles have become accustomed to.

In Exodus 34:30 scripture records that "Aaron and all the people of Israel saw Moses, and behold, the SKIN OF HIS FACE SHONE, and they were afraid to come near him."  My prayer is that my life shall be a vessel to display "MY GLORY" for all the world to see, not because I am so holy and righteous, but because of HIS GLORY!

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