Tuesday, January 12, 2016


Job 33:31-33                                       (ESV)
"31 Pay attention, O Job, "LISTEN TO ME"; be silent, and I will speak.
32 If you have any words, answer me; speak, for I desire to justify you.
33 If not, "LISTEN TO ME": be silent, and I will teach you wisdom."

Recently, while looking back at some of my previous writings, I took the opportunity to read a devotional written on February 11, 2012.   In that devotional the words "BE SILENT" was emphasized as my Spirit was awful busy at the time.  My mind has almost been consumed with these three verses since reviewing them, but my focus has been more about "LISTEN TO ME" now.  The BE SILENT command seems to have been overtaken by "LISTEN TO ME" in my life.

The first "LISTEN TO ME" in this passage is followed by "and I will speak".  Being silent can be difficult for some, especially when we think we are so important that what we have to say really matters!  When GOD speaks HE expects us to be listening so we will hear HIM.  Many people say that GOD doesn't speak to them, but HE probably can't be heard over their complaints and rhetoric.  HIS requirement is for us to "LISTEN TO ME" first, and THEN HE will speak to us!

The second "LISTEN TO ME" is followed " and I will teach you wisdom"!  Can you imagine being taught by the ONE who Created the universes, simply by speaking them into existence?  I have had some good teachers in my life, but to be a student of YAHWEH is something that that you would certainly want to take notes of.  GOD THE FATHER desires to teach all HIS creation, but HIS teaching MUST be preceded by us taking the time to "LISTEN TO ME"!

It would seem that everyone whose eyes had been made to see the existence of a Creator, would be not only willing to hear from the Creator, but would be excited to know that YAHWEH wanted to teach them.  How sad to know there are some that will not "LISTEN TO ME" because they are too busy with their own agenda to download instructions from HEAVEN!  Can you fathom GOD THE CREATOR desiring to talk and teach you?  HE will, if we will only "LISTEN TO ME"!!!

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