Friday, January 1, 2016


Matthew 16:24-25                                    (ESV)
"24 Then JESUS told HIS disciples, "If anyone would come after ME, let him deny himself and take up his cross and "FOLLOW ME".
25 For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for MY sake will find it."

Not ever being one who reveled in coming in second, I remember always having a desire to lead the pack, especially when driving!  My wife has been married to me for nearly 32 years and she still gets frustrated with me on not wanting to allow another vehicle to lead the way.  I'm not saying that having (or being) a leader is bad, but that the designated leader must recognize his assignment and not lead down the wrong path!

The earthly ministry of JESUS lasted just over three years.  The teachings HE left in that short period of time continue changing lives to this day!  Matthew 16:24-28 could take months for an expository preacher to make his way through.  In Matthew 16:24, a different translation says that "Those who want to come with me must say NO to the things they want".  In a conversation with a friend recently they were speaking about praying that GOD would join them in THEIR PLANS, when GOD spoke to them about them joining GOD and HIS work!  We are called to "FOLLOW ME", not for HIM to help us through our troubles!

When GOD was leading the children of Israel, HIS Holy Spirit preceded then in a cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night, leaving no room for them to stray.  I, on the other hand, have been known to begin following HIM and I proceed down a path, ASSUMING that is the path GOD would have me travel.  HIS cloud, or pillar of fire, may have taken a turn but I was so intent on leading the pack that I missed HIS leadership and continued on my own!  All of the sudden, I am on my own with no guidance or direction, wondering what I did wrong?

Far too many times "followers of CHRIST" want to be out front expecting GOD to bless their efforts, even though they have abandoned following HIM.  Now I see that the only way to effectively lead is to " FOLLOW ME"!  When we make sure we are behind HIS cloud, or pillar of fire, we are placing HIS direction ahead of our wishes.  GOD's protection, and following HIS Plan, can only be achieved when we "FOLLOW ME!"

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