Friday, January 29, 2016


Psalms 46:10                              (ESV)
"BE STILL, and "KNOW THAT I AM GOD". I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!"

Many know that GOD gave me a Non-Profit named Psalms 46:10 Ministries, Inc. in 2014.  That verse was cemented in my mind while off work recovering from the brain hemorrhage that occurred in 2007.  No one could have been more obedient to BE STILL than I was, as for 17 days I was in a drug-induced coma!  Recently, while driving to work,  I was pondering BE STILL and GOD spoke to me, and PRETTY PLAINLY!

Do you think that GOD, in all of HIS AWESOMENESS, can't keep up with us when we are running full speed to make schedules or appointments?  GOD can, and has, spoken to me even when I am operating at a pace where little can be heard by me, especially the STILL, SMALL VOICE of YAHWEH speaking!

Could it be that GOD instructs us (mainly me!) to BE STILL so that we can delight in HIS majesty, even when the pace of life is so hectic and hurried?  GOD is quite capable of operating at a much HIGHER level than we have ever thought or imagined.  HIS instructions to BE STILL must have been for our benefit then (especially me), as we tend to get so busy doing THINGS that we can't process things quickly enough to realize GOD at work, even in the smallest of things.

When we are being STILL in our Spirit, only then can we truly "KNOW THAT I AM GOD" and experience HIS guidance, companionship, and friendship.  GOD can be the most complete BEING we can ever know, or HE can be the most unsettling Spirit when we violate HIS precepts.  This unsettledness can lead to frustration, anger, hurting, or any other word that can describe being disconnected from the HOLY SPIRIT.

When GOD instructs us to BE STILL, it may be more for our benefit rather than HIS.  Scripture doesn't say that IF we are STILL HE will be exalted among the nations and in the entire earth, scripture says I WILL BE EXALTED!  To "KNOW THAT I AM GOD", the Creator of the universe, and that I AM lives within me is something I cannot explain.  Only having your eyes, and my eyes, opened by GOD (Ephesians 1:18) can HIS truths be fully made known to us.  HE usually does that when I BE STILL and "KNOW THAT I AM GOD"!!!

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