Saturday, January 23, 2016


Ephesians 3:20-21                                     (ESV)
"20 Now to HIM WHO is able to do FAR MORE ABUNDANTLY than all that WE ASK or THINK, according to the POWER at WORK within us,
21 "TO HIM BE GLORY" in the church and in CHRIST JESUS throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen."

While reading an online devotional recently I read a statement that has stopped me in my tracks.  GOD LOVES US TOO MUCH TO PROMOTE US BEFORE WE ARE READY!  The devotional went on to expound that when GOD gets  ready to perform a work in our lives, it is "according to the POWER at work within us", not our own power!

My mind started recalling Exodus 14 when GOD told the children of Israel in verse 14 "The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent."  Just a few verses later GOD said "And I will harden the hearts of the Egyptians so that they shall go in after them, and I WILL GET GLORY over Pharaoh and all his host, his chariots, and his horsemen."  GOD moved the children Israel to the precise position to cross the Red Sea where they could escape HIS wrath, but Pharaoh and his army would not.  GOD's timing was critical as Pharaoh and his army would see as they were about to overtake the Israelites their fate was sealed!

GOD LOVES US TOO MUCH TO PROMOTE US BEFORE WE ARE READY might be better stated I have to learn that GOD GETTING GLORY is more important than my wishes or desires.  Or just maybe I am getting closer to being ready when I realize that GOD GETTING GLORY is the most important thing?  GOD is able to do FAR MORE ABUNDANTLY than anything we could ever imagine, but we have to realize HIM getting glory is immensely more crucial than even our existence.

The children of Israel had to go through some rough times during the Exodus, but GOD was able to get glory.  We may have to go through some equally rough times in order for GOD to be glorified.  But just when all hope seems lost, just when the Egyptians seem to be overtaking us at the Red Sea, GOD will show up and make certain that "TO HIM BE GLORY"!

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