Sunday, January 17, 2016


Deuteronomy 30:11-14                          (ESV)
"11 "For this commandment that I command you today is not too hard for you, NEITHER IS IT FAR OFF.
12 It is not in heaven, that you should say, 'WHO WILL ASCEND TO HEAVEN FOR US AND BRING IT TO US, THAT WE MAY HEAR IT AND DO IT?'
13 Neither is it beyond the sea, that you should say, 'Who will go over the sea for us and bring it to us, that we may hear it and do it?'

Not many years ago the movie line of "YOU CAN DO IT" was made popular by a relatively obscure actor.  The point that needs to be emphasized is that someone was always being told "YOU CAN DO IT", never was the actor saying I CAN DO IT!  Keeping the focus on something or someone other than yourself can be a sign of humility that has to be grown into, not read from a book.

Having GOD THE CREATOR place a desire to accomplish a task which seems unattainable can cause one to think of the Israelites at the Red Sea.  Moses and the nation of Israel were trapped by mountains on the left and right, the Red Sea in front of them, and Pharaoh and the Egyptian army approaching from behind.  The task of following GOD's leadership had apparently not worked out so well for the Israelites!  But when things appear the bleakest is when GOD says HE will take control!  And like HE did at the Red Sea, it will usually be when HE can get glory and when know one else but HIM can get credit for HIS handiwork!

When GOD starts dividing the Red Sea in your life you must have FAITH to walk across the dry bottom of the sea.  We have to WAIT ON THE LORD in order for HIM TO GET GLORY, but when HE says "YOU CAN DO IT" we need to be able to trust HIM that the seas will remain parted.  Waiting to make sure HE is ready to receive HIS glory is something that can be uncomfortable, even frustrating at times.  But when GOD moves and HE calls for us to move forward, HE wants us to know "YOU CAN DO IT"!!

We may can have an indication when we are getting close to seeing GOD prepare us to be in a position where "YOU CAN DO IT".  Deuteronomy 30:14 says "BUT THE WORD IS VERY NEAR YOU.  IT IS IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART, SO THAT "YOU CAN DO IT"!  When you are in HIS Word enough to where it is IN YOUR MOUTH AND IN YOUR HEART, you  can rest assured that GOD will be glorified.  It may not be when we THINK HE should be glorified, but GOD WILL BE GLORIFIED!  And when HE is, we need to be ready to prove "YOU CAN DO IT"!!

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