Wednesday, January 20, 2016


Romans 8:16-17 says "The SPIRIT himself bears witness with our spirit that we are "CHILDREN OF GOD", and if children, then heirs-heirs of GOD and fellow heirs with CHRIST, provided WE SUFFER with HIM in order that we may also be glorified with HIM "

Much can be said about just who is a part of the "CHILDREN OF GOD".  Most don't really understand what is required of a person to be considered as the "CHILDREN OF GOD", and certainly even less actually desire to be apart of the SUFFERING mentioned in being known as the "CHILDREN OF GOD"!

Health, wealth and prosperity are certainly abundant in this country, so abundant in fact that I'm not sure if re that anyone could be classified as SUFFERING for the Kingdom.  Even during the darkest moment of the brain hemorrhage in 2007 I was in an air conditioned hospital with nurses taking care of my every need.  During my two year recovery, although I didn't have a job, my family survived with relative ease.  Sure, we missed the comforts many enjoy, but we made it through by GOD's grace, and with little SUFFERING.

Being a part of the "CHILDREN OF GOD" is a humbling thing that no one should brag about.  We are only called to be "CHILDREN OF GOD" by HIS grace, NOT BY ANYTHING WE HAVE DONE.  Isaiah 64:6a (KJV) says " But we are ALL as an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are as FILTHY RAGS;"!  To fully understand how wretched we are, we have to acknowledge how magnificent GOD is.  Unless we recognize HIS majesty we can never be a part of the "CHILDREN OF GOD"!

Romans 8:16 begins with "The SPIRIT HIMSELF bears witness.." when a person is part of the "CHILDREN OF GOD".   One can claim that they are a part of the "CHILDREN OF GOD", but if the SPIRIT doesn't bear witness, then they aren't going to be an heir with JESUS!  One cannot deceive, buy, or con their way into the "CHILDREN OF GOD".  Our SUFFERING may come through being ostracized or ridiculed, but if we are a member of the "CHILDREN OF GOD", we will SUFFER!!!

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