Tuesday, July 12, 2016


Matthew 11:25-27
"25 At that time JESUS declared, "I thank YOU, FATHER, LORD of heaven and earth, that YOU have hidden these things from the wise and understanding and revealed them to little children;
26 yes, FATHER, for such was YOUR gracious will.
27 All things have been handed over to ME by MY FATHER, and no one knows the SON except the FATHER, and no one knows the FATHER except the SON and "ANYONE" to whom the SON chooses to reveal HIM."

From time to time GOD speaks, and when HE speaks, we must be listening to and for HIS voice!  This morning, while laying in bed after waking and before I got up, the message from Matthew 11:27 hit me like a ton of bricks!  The main premise that I couldn't get out of my mind was "the SON and "ANYONE" to whom the SON chooses to reveal HIM."  GOD reveals HIMSELF to us through JESUS CHRIST in differing amounts, at different times, but always to glorify HIS NAME!

My mind immediately goes to Acts 9 where Saul was blinded for three days!  Saul was probably the last person ever expected to become a Believer and follower of JESUS CHRIST. JESUS told Ananias in Acts 9:16 "For I will show him (Saul) how much he must suffer for the sake of MY name."  JESUS just said HE would show Saul/Paul "how much" he would have to SUFFER for the sake of the name of JESUS, not that his ministry would be blessed with mansions and millions!

It seems that most people want to have things "revealed" to them from GOD, but only if it benefits them!  To have the CREATOR of the Universe choose to "reveal" a TRUTH about HIM to/through a human can be one of the most humbling experiences imaginable!  GOD usually doesn't call the most qualified, HE frequently qualifies the "called"!  When a person realizes he is nothing without JESUS, only then can JESUS get glory from that life.  JESUS chose Saul while Saul was on the road to Tarsus to round up (imprison) more Believers.  What Saul did not SEE was that his journey was about to become a lot less glamorous and a lot more treacherous! BUT GOD WOULD BE GLORIFIED!!!

When GOD "chooses" to reveal HIMSELF to a person, HE doesn't reveal HIMSELF to make that person famous or popular.   Remember, GOD gets the glory, and people are used to draw HIM glory!  "ANYONE" can preach to thousands and fly in private jets while raking in millions of dollars to "help their cause"!  Only the "ANYONE" that JESUS selects will be willing to suffer much for the name of JESUS!  My prayer is that GOD will use my life to draw honor and glory to HIS NAME!!!

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