Friday, July 29, 2016


1 Kings 17:23-24                     (ESV)
"23 And Elijah took the child and brought him down from the upper chamber into the house and delivered him to his mother. And Elijah said, "SEE, YOUR SON LIVES."
24 And the woman said to Elijah, "Now I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the LORD in your mouth is truth."

Nine years ago today I was awakened from a deep slumber that had lasted for seventeen days.   My brain had hemorrhaged on July 09 and the decision was made to put me in a drug induced coma four days later.  This day was significant for they were set to perform a tracheotomy on July 30!  Also, it was my mothers 77th birthday!  Although I made what many familiar with my case describe as a "miraculous recovery", my mom would not celebrate her 78th birthday on this earth.  She passed into her eternal reward on February 27, 2008, and she was ready to go!

My plans today are to visit the hospital where I visited in 2007.  Although It has been nine years I still meet someone every time I visit who had a hand in helping me through "the valley of the shadow of death"!  I will forever be indebted to everyone, and there are MANY, in the healthcare industry who had a hand in my treatment and recovery.

There are many "signs" of the brain hemorrhage that are still in my home.  There are walkers and canes used to assist in my walking.  My "word recall" is still not as good as it was prior to the hemorrhage and my body temperature hardly ever gets above 97 degrees.  But for a person who was as "sick" as I'm told I was, the fact that I'm here at all is a blessing beyond words.  A recent conversation with a supervisor at the hospital I was treated at ended with these words, "You aren't bothering me!!!! Can't wait to see you!!!!!  You are the reason I do what I do!!!!"

My mom was a testimony of survival.  She reared three children on her own.  She was a nurse who worked tirelessly to provide for her children with assistance from her family and the church we attended.  Although breast cancer was listed as the culprit for her death, she knew where her HOME was, and she was ready to go there!

Elijah was able to tell the mother of her son in 1 Kings 17 "SEE, YOUR SON LIVES"!  Nine years ago the doctors were able to tell my mom (and family) "SEE, YOUR SON LIVES"!  My mom never experienced the "finer things" in life, but she demonstrated a love for the LORD in her life that will continue existing in my life, as well as her grandchildren and friends for many years to come.  She loved her only son more than life itself.  To hear "SEE, YOUR SON LIVES" was the best birthday present she had ever received.  I love you mom, and I'll see you soon!!!

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