Monday, July 25, 2016


Psalms 127:3-5                   (ESV)
"3 Behold, children are a "HERITAGE FROM THE LORD", the fruit of the womb a reward.
4 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth.
5 Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate."

This morning I observed a post on a social media site which read something close to "I don't think there is any greater feeling of joy than having a spiritual moment with your child"!  As I pondered the statement, my mind went to several scriptures, like John 4:24 (GOD IS SPIRIT) and Genesis 1:27 (We are created in HIS image).

Yesterday I was blessed to visit my oldest son's house and celebrate his daughter's first birthday.  Memories carried me back to celebrating the birthdays of my children and how it seemed only a short time ago they were children.  Now, they are adults and are "free" to live their lives as they are led of the LORD to do. In meditating GOD's design for the human race, it amazes me that we, in all of our depraved existence, were/are entrusted with reproducing GOD's Creation to serve HIM?

As I contemplate Psalms 127:3-5 and how GOD chooses to honor and BLESS us with those who will be responsible for continuing the worship of HIM long after we have exhausted our time, and my mind is REALLY overwhelmed!  Why would GOD choose me to be a "caregiver" to HIS CREATION for limited timeframe?  It seems that I am seemingly consumed with making my "existence" in "this world" as comfortable as I can when I am only here for a short period.  According to one dictionary, HERITAGE is "something reserved for one; something that comes or belongs to oneby reason of birth; an inherited lot or portion".  Our "HERITAGE FROM THE LORD" are only on loan to us to teach about HIM, not to teach about what we THINK they need to know!

My "babies" are now in their mid/late 20's and have "babies" of their own.  Their "HERITAGE FROM THE LORD" can be traced, not only back to me, but also my parents, and their parents, all the way back to Adam and Eve, who were formed from dirt and a rib by our Creator!  GOD's design for humanity continually fills my mind with awe and amazement!  My grandchildren, like every human being, are SPIRITS first and secondly have bodies that are extremely unique.  Our physical attributes will not save us from eternal judgement. Only a living Spiritual being will be able to receive their "HERITAGE FROM THE LORD"!  We need to focus more on the Spiritual and less on the physical, for the Spiritual is in HIS image!  Thank YOU GOD IN HEAVEN for allowing me to be a guardian over YOUR "HERITAGE FROM THE LORD" for a brief period on this earth!

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