John 14:3-7 (ESV)
"3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to MYSELF, that where I am you may be also.
4 And you know the way to where I am going."
5 Thomas said to him, "LORD, we do not know where YOU are going. How can we know the way?"
6 JESUS said to him, "I am the way, and "THE TRUTH", and the life. No one comes to the FATHER except through ME.
7 If you had known ME, you would have known my FATHER also. FROM NOW ON YOU DO KNOW HIM AND HAVE SEEN HIM."
There is much discussion these days about folks getting away with obscuring "THE TRUTH" with a story that is lacking. When I say lacking, there is little doubt "THE TRUTH" is what I am referring to. There is no substitute for "THE TRUTH", there are only stories that contain half-truths, which basically means that the real TRUTH has been changed to fit their narrative and usually for a perceived personal gain!
JESUS told HIS disciples in John 14:6 that HE was the way, and "THE TRUTH", and the life! Then in verse 7 of John 14, JESUS said since they had seen HIM that they had seen the FATHER. You can't see "THE TRUTH" while looking at lies and deceit, for those are characteristics of the deceiver. Only by looking for "THE TRUTH" (JESUS) can one find no lies and deceit.
There is no way to find "THE TRUTH" while searching for anyone but JESUS, it's just not possible! When we find someone who WE THINK is above reproach, GOD will allow our eyes to be opened to SEE "THE TRUTH", and no human can measure to the standard of the needed requirements! However, scripture states in Jeremiah 29:13 "You will seek ME and find ME, "WHEN" you seek ME with ALL your heart." It doesn't state you can seek me haphazardly, or with some degree of making light of the situation. GOD desires to be "THE TRUTH" in our lives and for us to reflect such with our behavior.
Yes, it is rather easy to get our focus on others who aren't perfect either! If we keep our attention on "THE TRUTH" and obeying HIS instructions for our lives, what HIS punishment will be for those who don't SEE HIM and "THE TRUTH" should not be as important to us. There are those whom GOD has called to PROCLAIM the judgements of HIS Word. I may not be one of the most eloquent deliverers of "THE TRUTH" the world has known, but just because GOD chooses to proclaim HIS Word through other venues doesn't mean that "THE TRUTH" has changed! I DO KNOW HIM AND HAVE SEEN HIM and "THE TRUTH" will not change to satisfy anything but HIS agenda!!!
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