Thursday, July 21, 2016


1 Samuel 8:7                   (ESV)
"And the LORD said to Samuel, "Obey the voice of the people in all that they say to you, for they have not rejected you, but "THEY HAVE REJECTED ME" from being king over them."

This Bible verse was in a message last evening from a dear friend who is as "rightly and fully connected" with the LORD as anyone I have had the privilege of knowing.  The reason his name is not shared is because the focus should always be on the MESSAGE from the LORD, and not the messenger.  Too many times it seems the messenger is the one vilified or glorified, when the MESSAGE is what people reject or accept!  When the LORD speaks, HIS voice isn't discerned a lot of the time because HIS children are so "in tune" with "this world" that they don't/won't slow down to hear the "still, small voice" (1 Kings 19:12) of GOD!

There is no magic potion or formula for hearing from GOD.  HE hasn't changed HIS method of speaking to man, nor will HE!  HIS WORD (Holy Bible) is where we need to begin.  The tendency of man is to desire a miracle be performed by GOD.   But in John 4:46-54 JESUS spoke a WORD and the nobleman (son's father) believed, and the son, who was very sick, was healed.  The boy was healed AT THAT VERY HOUR that the man BELIEVED what JESUS spoke!

The enemy is very adept in getting us moving so briskly that we can't hear the "still, small voice" of GOD.  Whether we are listening to music, television, our own desires, or even our GRANDCHILDREN (getting personal!), unless we begin with hearing the "still, small voice" from our CREATOR where are we going?  Listening to anything other than GOD will ultimately lead to disaster!

The children of Israel would not listen to GOD as their King in 1 Samuel 8 and said "Give us a king to judge us."  When a nation cries out to "gives us a king to judge us" GOD has a tendency to grant their wishes.  But GOD told Samuel (1 Samuel 8:9) "only you shall SOLEMNLY WARN them and show them the ways of the king who shall reign over them."

He who hath an ear to hear, let him hear this SOLEMN WARNING, "THEY HAVE REJECTED ME" comes with dire consequences!

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