Monday, October 3, 2016


Matthew 4:1 ;11                    (ESV)
"Then JESUS was led up by the SPIRIT into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil."
"Then the devil left HIM, and behold, angels came and were ministering to HIM."

As most of us know, JESUS is the second person in the Trinity, GOD the FATHER, GOD the SON, and GOD the HOLY SPIRIT.  But although all three are equally GOD, JESUS came to earth for the explicit purpose of being a substitute for the sins of ALL MANKIND before a HOLY JUDGE.  When JESUS went into the wilderness HE didn't leave HIS deity behind. HE was still the SON of GOD and had all of the powers and authority of GOD the Creator, but HE was obedient to the FATHER's Plan, and HE followed that Plan all the way to Calvary's tree AND BEYOND!

Have you ever wondered why JESUS was "led by the SPIRIT" into the wilderness?  Could It be that the ruler of "this world" keeps things so busy in "this world" that downloading from Heaven is better accomplished when we are alone with GOD the FATHER??  The devil KNEW WHO JESUS was, but maybe he thought that since JESUS was in the flesh, HE had given up some of WHO HE was?  In Matthew 4:11, after the devil had once again failed, he left JESUS and angels came and ministered to HIM!

Now the same SPIRIT that led JESUS into the wilderness abides within this Temple that houses my Spirit, commonly known as my body.  That SPIRIT actually led JESUS to a desolate, lonely, place with no CONNECTION to the outside world, but it was also a place where JESUS could CONNECT to the FATHER!

Do I sometimes misunderstand where I have been led?  Do I see the circumstances surrounding me as being a "place with no CONNECTION to the outside world", when in reality it is a place where I can "CONNECT to the FATHER" with no interruptions?  HEAVENLY FATHER, cause me to SEE that "who" I am is not defined by "where" I am.  Thanks to YOUR Plan that JESUS fulfilled, "who" I am is a "CHILD OF THE KING"!  Cause me, not only to keep that at the forefront of my mind, but to remind the devil of that so he will leave me for angels to minister to me!!!

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