Wednesday, October 12, 2016


James 1:2-4                                (ESV)
"2 "COUNT IT ALL JOY", my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds,
3 for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness.
4 And let steadfastness have its full effect, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing."

Never being one to "enjoy" trials and tribulations, I usually find myself responding to difficulties with a degree of chagrin, hoping to escape the end results or some of the difficulties tied to the rough circumstances.  Being able to lighten the bad outcome of an ugly situation could mean not having to suffer quite so much.  But is that what GOD would have us do when HE is trying to be glorified?  If we are created to glorify GOD (Isaiah 43:7), then our goal should be to suffer if need be for HIS Glory!  Remember JESUS in the Garden of Gethsemane (Luke 22:42)?  "Not my will, but THINE be done?!

The scripture verses above express for us what we are called to do "WHEN YOU MEET trials various kinds".  Notice that the scripture doesn't say IF you meet trials, but WHEN YOU MEET various trials.   The trials are a test of your FAITH, which produces steadfastness, and steadfastness having its full effect will make us perfect and complete, lacking in nothing!  As bad as I hate to admit it, suffering may be used to strengthen my FAITH so that I can be used to glorify GOD.  JESUS had to suffer for GOD to be glorified at Calvary, don't think that you will get to glorify GOD with no cost to you!

James tells us to "COUNT IT ALL JOY" when trials come your way.   Maybe that means instead of being apprehensive when trials are noticed, we should welcome them with open arms!  Going through trying times will develop us into tools that GOD can use for HIS Glory.  We like to "COUNT IT ALL JOY" when we are experiencing good times.  How about we "COUNT IT ALL JOY" when GOD can be glorified by our trials?

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