Monday, October 17, 2016


Isaiah 42:8                  (ESV)
"I AM THE LORD"; that is MY name; MY glory I give to no other, nor MY praise to carved idols."

There are many times in my childhood that I can remember being "promised" judgement (a whipping) if my behavior didn't improve.   Several of those times I was spared by a parent/grandparent who was merciful, but unfortunately there were a lot of times when the judgement came through, and occasionally with a vengeance that left a memorable impression.  

When "I AM THE LORD" makes a promise, the passing of the judgement is generally rather certain.  When "I AM THE LORD" promised in the scripture above to NOT share HIS glory with another, HE didn't mince words, nor intent!  There are many instances where evidence of this principle was manifested, most notably in Exodus 14.  GOD told Moses HE would, and so HE hardened Pharaoh's heart in Exodus 14:4 and thus HE got glory over them.  And the consequences were dramatic!  In Exodus 14:30 it is recorded "Thus the LORD saved Israel that day from the hand of the Egyptians, and Israel saw the Egyptians DEAD ON THE SEASHORE".  Yes, a loving GOD caused Pharaoh and his hots to be drowned in the Red Sea, FOR HIS GLORY!!

There is no doubt that GOD still has the power to accomplish a Red Sea moment today.  Now Pharaoh of Exodus was the most powerful kingdom of his era, and GOD drowned him and his hosts in the Red Sea.  A modern day leader would certainly be wise to learn from history, as they say "those who refuse to learn history are doomed to repeat it"!   Only timing may prove more fatalistic than ever before.  Eternal consequences can't be corrected!

GOD's promises are sure.  We don't know exactly when they will occur, but if HIS Word says something will happen, it IS GOING TO HAPPEN!  "I AM THE LORD" will NOT give HIS glory to another, no matter how hard we may try to glorify things that aren't worthy.  Whatever we attempt to deify, whether we realize it or not, will ultimately be cast onto the dung heap of futility.  There is nothing that can measure up to the magnificence and grandeur of my CREATOR.  

Forgive me, oh LORD, for neglecting to place YOUR will ahead of my selfish and temporal desires.  There is nothing so fulfilling and gratifying as submitting myself to YOUR Plan for my life.  Cause me to keep my priorities in line with YOUR WORD and not be blinded by the distortions of the enemy.  Keeping "I AM THE LORD" at the forefront of my mind is certainly where YOU should be, and is where I desire for YOU to be!!

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