Saturday, October 22, 2016


Numbers 12:3                     (NASB)
"Now the man Moses was "VERY HUMBLE", more than any man who was on the face of the earth."

When you consider what type of man GOD chose to lead HIS children out of captivity in Egypt, you don't have to look much further than Numbers 12:3!  Imagine if GOD had to choose a modern day leader?  Maybe that person would go around talking about their wealth, or achievements, or even their popularity?  What GOD chose to have written about Moses was he was more HUMBLE than any other man who was on the face of the earth!  Yet he was selected to lead an estimated 3 million plus people out captivity from the most powerful nation known to man at the time.  And when they were leaving Egypt, the Egyptians gave them all kinds of bounty to carry with them (Exodus 32:33-36)!

Now I don't know the Bible as well as some people do, but my take on the Exodus story is that GOD chose Moses because HE wanted someone who wouldn't attempt to take credit for the miraculous events that would transpire over the next forty years.  GOD wasn't trying to build a dynasty on earth, rather HE was interested in drawing glory and honor to HIMSELF!

Would GOD be able to find a human today who would be willing to be used by the LORD to humbly lead HIS children?  Is there anyone with leadership skills that is "VERY HUMBLE"?  GOD hasn't lost HIS power to work miracles, such as at the Red Sea!  But in HIS timing, HE may be waiting until a "VERY HUMBLE" person is raised up to draw HIM glory???

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