Saturday, October 15, 2016


Proverbs 21:1                (ESV)
"The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; HE turns it wherever HE will"

In observing the feverish social media support for various candidates for President in relative silence, I am persuaded that I should speak my position to let it be known where I stand in relationship to the upcoming election for President of the United States.  If you want me to support your candidate for President, it would behoove you to petition the Heavenly FATHER on your candidates behalf.  Putting posts about who is supporting your candidate, or what another candidate may have done when they thought nobody was watching, or anything else to glamorize the candidate you support will not faze me in the least.  For I pledge to only be swayed by the Divine inspiration of the Holy Spirit to support any one for any office, be it dog catcher all the way to President of the United States, not by what I see regarding a candidate on social media!

Proverbs 21:1 (ESV) says "The king's heart is a stream of water in the hand of the LORD; HE turns it wherever HE will".  Max Lucado writes "Nebuchadnezzar was considered to be the mightiest king of his generation. But GOD humbled and put him in "detention" for seven years. "The kingdom is the Lord's, and He rules over the nations" (Psalms 22:28)."

What America needs to do is admit that we are nothing without Almighty GOD, and beg for HIS mercy for rebelling against HIM for so long!  That is the ONLY way we can ever be what we once were.  GOD can change anybody's heart, I know, because HE changed, and is still changing, mine!!

These words are written in LOVE, in an attempt to refocus some friends who seem to have become so intent on helping their candidate win no matter the cost, when GOD is the ONE that we should be petitioning for wisdom and mercy and grace!  There isn't a candidate, a social media meme, or campaign cliché, or any rhetoric that can change a heart towards the LORD.  Only GOD can do that, and HE is only reached by a humble heart and a contrite Spirit (Psalms 51:17; John 6:44)!

Don't try to convince me how "good" your candidate is.  The HOLY BIBLE says in Matthew 19:17 and Luke 18:19 "there is only ONE Who is good"! The rest of us are vile, filthy sinners.  GOD alone is able to change a heart, and HE is the only ONE who can change our nation.  We better begin to once again begin calling on HIS Name for our sustenance.

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