Friday, October 7, 2016


2 Corinthians 10:3-6                    (ESV)
"3 For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh.
5 WE DESTROY ARGUMENTS  and every lofty opinion raised AGAINST THE KNOWLEDGE OF GOD, and take every thought captive TO OBEY CHRIST,
6 being ready to PUNISH every DISOBEDIENCE, when your OBEDIENCE is COMPLETE."

Sometimes, okay MOST of the time, I find myself "speed reading" through scripture, not giving the words time to sink in and take root in my life so that my life can be changed for the glory of GOD.  When GOD speaks, am I moving at a pace that I can even hear HIM?  Do I "really" want to hear from GOD AND change my life to be transformed to HIS Plan, or do I really want HIM to conform to things in my mind???

When I SLOW DOWN and allow GOD to gently seep into the crevices of my mind and begin to transform my life, the peace and contentment are something that I don't have the words to write about.  Knowing the CREATOR of the universe desires to have an intimate relationship with me it humbles me to no end.  There is nothing that I could have done, or I could ever do, to make myself worthy of such an honor to be "chosen" by HIM, it is all because of HIS AMAZING GRACE!

Now since I have this MARVELOUS relationship with GOD, one that is beyond words, why do I allow the enemy to drag me into the depths of doubt and depression?  The scriptures above inform us "FOR THE "WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE" ARE NOT OF THE FLESH but have DIVINE POWER to DESTROY strongholds".  Once we are born-again GOD could just take us to Heaven and worship HIM for eternity.  But in HIS master Plan, HE chose to leave us here to be tools HE can use for HIS Glory!

Since the "WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE" are not of flesh and blood, we sometimes have a misconception about what we "HAVE" in our arsenal.  Scripture says (Ephesians 5:10-20) that we literally have The SPIRIT of JESUS (John 27:23) living inside of us, and satan had all he wants of JESUS at Calvary!  Sometimes I have to be reminded of who I NOW am, and have to remind the enemy of who he is!  The "WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE" have already defeated our foe, we don't need to wallow in the mud and mire of defeat (depression), but live in celebration of the victory JESUS provides!!!

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