Tuesday, October 25, 2016


Matthew 3:11-12                                   (ESV)
"11 "I baptize you with water for repentance, but HE WHO is coming after me is mightier than I, WHOSE sandals I am not worthy to carry. HE will baptize you with the HOLY SPIRIT and fire.
12 HIS winnowing fork is in HIS hand, and HE will clear HIS threshing floor and gather HIS wheat into the barn, but the chaff HE will burn with unquenchable fire."

Browsing a social media site recently, it is almost nauseating to observe all of the posts about different candidates for President and how they are "OUR ONLY HOPE"!  You get the impression that they are "blinded" to THE TRUTH and have no idea of what is REALLY happening right in front of their eyes?  And the "church" is as guilty as everyone saying where "OUR ONLY HOPE" lies?  Believers, even ministers, are saying unless we vote how they BELIEVE we should, we are going to be in a world of hurt!

John, the baptizer, "knew" THE TRUTH and  in John 1:29 it is written "The next day he (John) saw JESUS coming toward him, and said, "Behold, the Lamb of GOD, who takes away the sin of the world!"  One might think, in hearing all of the rhetoric surrounding the current election, that JESUS was coming back as  President of the United States?  There is only ONE "OUR ONLY HOPE", and HE is not a Democrat, nor a Republican, nor any other politician!  HE is the KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS!!!

But "this world" is so caught up with living in the day at hand that we can't SEE scripture being fulfilled right in front of our very eyes!  "HIS winnowing fork is in HIS hand, and HE will clear HIS threshing floor and gather HIS wheat into the barn, but the chaff HE will burn with unquenchable fire" aren't just filler words, they are prophetic words inspired by the Spirit of ALMIGHTY GOD!  Who will be left on the "threshing floor" like dried up remnants of wheat?  It may be those who fail to see what scripture says and prepare for HIS second coming??

"OUR ONLY HOPE" isn't listening to a politician's promises.  "OUR ONLY HOPE" remains in WHO it has always been with, JESUS CHRIST!  HE can change kings hearts (Proverbs 21:1), but HE desires to be praised ahead of people we might be claiming to be "OUR ONLY HOPE"!

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