Friday, March 31, 2017


Exodus 13:21-22                                                (ESV)
"21 And "THE LORD WENT BEFORE" them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light, that they might travel by day and by night.
22 The pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night did not depart from before the people."

Have you ever heard it said of someone "They think they're GOD"!  Usually that occurs right after they once again attempt to get "their way" in a life experience.  Most of the time, when I get "my way", there is heartache soon to follow.  Yet I seem to always have an unquenchable desire to do things the way I think they ought to be done.  Frank Sinatra sang a song in the late 1960's entitled "I did it my way"!  My question is, if you are doing things your way, aren't you afraid your actions will lead you down the wrong path?  Like making a wrong turn when you are going somewhere?

The children of Israel were LED by a pillar of Cloud during the day and a pillar of Fire at night to guide them as they left Egyptian captivity.  The Sinai Peninsula is known for its brutally hot, dry climate.  During the day, the Pillar of Cloud would protect them from the elements of "this world", most likely an extremely hot day.  When evening came, the Pillar of Fire would light the way for them to make sure they were on the right path.  Whether it was day or night, it didn't take long for individuals to get the message that they were "doing it my way" if they left the protection provided by GOD ALMIGHTY!

When we step outside of HIS WILL for our lives, we too can know that we have left HIS protection.  The peace and comfort that only GOD ALMIGHTY brings can never be copied or duplicated by "the enemy", it's just most of the time we are moving at such a pace we "run the STOP sign" that GOD is placing in our lives!  Even when the children of Israel were trapped at the Red Sea, they were following the Pillar and Cloud so they could have trusted that the same GOD WHO spoke the worlds into existence was guiding them where HE wanted them to go!  Pharaoh soon discovered GOD ALMIGHTY wasn't to be challenged!

GOD ALMIGHTY is to be TRUSTED!  We are not smart or wise enough to guide us through one day, let alone our entire lives!  When "THE LORD GOES BEFORE" us HE leads us where HIS Plan is for us to go.  Proverbs 3:5-6 (KJV) says "TRUST in the LORD with all thine heart; and LEAN NOT unto thine OWN UNDERSTANDING.  In all thy ways acknowledge HIM, and HE SHALL DIRECT THY PATHS"!!!  The Cloud and the Fire were good enough for the children of Israel.  When "THE LORD WENT BEFORE" me, I will "do it HIS way"!!!

Thursday, March 30, 2017


Luke 2:46-51                       (ESV)
"46 After three days they found HIM in the temple, sitting among the teachers, listening to them and asking them questions.
47 And all who heard HIM were amazed at HIS understanding and HIS answers.
48 And when HIS parents saw HIM, they were astonished. And HIS mother said to him, "SON, why have YOU treated us so? Behold, your father and I have been searching for you in great distress."
49 And HE said to them, "Why were you looking for ME? Did you not know that I must be in MY FATHER's house?"
50 And they did not understand the saying that HE spoke to them.
51 And HE went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them. And HIS mother treasured up all these things "IN HER HEART"."

Gospel comedian Mark Lowry once said that if anyone knew that JESUS was born of a virgin, it was Mary!  There was no doubt Mary would experience a lot of grief and ridicule from being a pregnant teenager over 2,000 years ago.  However n Luke 1:38 "And Mary said, "Behold, I am the servant of the LORD; let it be to me according to your word." And the angel departed from her."  When Mary gave birth to JESUS in Luke 2:19 scripture records that Mary "treasured up all these things "IN HER HEART".   Now , once again, she is treasuring "up all these things in her heart (Luke 2:51)!  What was she "treasuring up "IN HER HEART" that she wasn't sharing with others?  Why do you think she didn't share with the world that she was the mother of the Savior of the whole world?

In the above passage of scripture, Mary and Joseph had unknowingly left JESUS in Jerusalem at the temple.  JESUS was twelve years old and it wasn't unheard of for the mother to think that the father would be looking after a child, and vice versa.  JESUS had been a part of the family for years and I'm sure that Mary had become a little "used to" just being a "mom"?  But when she said "Behold, your father and I have been searching for you in great distress", JESUS responded "Did you not know that I must be in MY FATHER's house?"  Notice the words "your father" are not capitalized in the question Mary raised, but the ARE capitalized in the Divine response from JESUS.  Verse 50 is SO important to grasp, "they did not understand the saying that HE spoke to them."

The HOLY SPIRIT can reveal things to us sometimes when we aren't expecting to SEE them.  When we have these "ah-hah" moments, it causes me to seemingly pull over and stop and contemplate them.  I'm sure that when Mary "treasured up all these things "IN HER HEART" in the scriptures above she was being moved by the SPIRIT to let her words be few.  Sometimes GOD doesn't need me messing up what HE is trying to do.  It has taken me MOST of my life to SEE this.  When GOD is changing a HEART, HE may not need me to say anything!   HE led Mary to treasure these things "IN HER HEART", and HE may need me to do the same?!?!?

Wednesday, March 29, 2017


James 1:19-21                   (ESV)
"19 Know this, my beloved brothers: let every person be quick to hear, "SLOW TO SPEAK", slow to anger;
20 for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of GOD.
21 Therefore put away all filthiness and rampant wickedness and RECEIVE with MEEKNESS the IMPLANTED WORD, which is able to save your souls."

It seems that I always reference the timeline in my life of "before the brain hemorrhage" and "since the brain hemorrhage" for the last almost ten years.  No one can imagine the humility that is associated with being SO close to death and, in reality, not being able to do ANYTHING to assist in the efforts to keep me alive.  As I've stated many times, the only two physical deficits (or deficiencies) I have are my body temperature adjusted rather drastically and my "word-recall" isn't as great as it was before.  Although I had some great speech pathologists, they couldn't help me return to the prowess I had with the English language.

The latter is something I'd like to address today.  I was previously (before the Brain Hemorrhage) extremely "quick-tongued"!  Usually I found myself having to go back and apologize for something I had said, or worse, just not deal with my inability to "hold my tongue"!  Sure, I had read James 1:19 many times prior, but it wasn't until I slowed my life down considerably (post Brain Hemorrhage) that I HEARD THE SPIRIT speaking to me saying HE preferred to work at a slower pace than I was accustomed to operating at.  Now I can "SEE" that one of the biggest tools the enemy uses against Believers is getting us moving at such a pace we can't hear from GOD and act on HIS instructions!  The devil doesn't have to make me do "bad" things, only to try to do "good" things before GOD says HE is ready for them!  Can you imagine the children of Israel trying to cross the Red Sea BEFORE GOD parted it?  Psalms 27:14 has become one of the most repeated verses I use, "WAIT FOR THE LORD"!!!

When we allow the Spirit of GOD to speak to us, we generally have to listen for a "still, small voice" (1 Kings 19:12)!  If we are moving at warp speed, we tend to be just trying to "keep it out of the ditches", not listening to GOD's direction.  My prayer is that I will be more interested in being "SLOW TO SPEAK" and being quick to hear and RECEIVE with MEEKNESS the IMPLANTED WORD!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2017


Ezekiel 26:7-14                         (ESV)
"7 "For THUS SAYS THE LORD GOD: Behold, I will bring against Tyre from the north Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon, king of kings, with horses and chariots, and with horsemen and a host of many soldiers.
8 He will kill with the sword your daughters on the mainland. He will set up a siege wall against you and throw up a mound against you, and raise a roof of shields against you.
9 He will direct the shock of his battering rams against your walls, and with his axes he will break down your towers.
10 His horses will be so many that their dust will cover you. Your walls will shake at the noise of the horsemen and wagons and chariots, when he enters your gates as men enter a city that has been breached.
11 With the hoofs of his horses he will trample all your streets. He will kill your people with the sword, and your mighty pillars will fall to the ground.
12 They will plunder your riches and loot your merchandise. They will break down your walls and destroy your pleasant houses. Your stones and timber and soil they will cast into the midst of the waters.
13 And I will stop the music of your songs, and the sound of your lyres shall be heard no more.
14 I will make you a "BARE ROCK". You shall be a place for the spreading of nets. YOU SHALL NEVER BE REBUILT, for I am the LORD; I HAVE SPOKEN, declares the LORD GOD."

ALMIGHTY GOD isn't only intimately involved with the lives of HIS children that worship HIM, but ALL who live in "this world".   This is evidenced by the scripture above as the city of Tyre was prophesied to be destroyed in about 586 B.C.   According to one internet search engine, Tyre was indeed destroyed in 332 B.C. by Alexander (the Great).   The entry of this secular website is below:

Alexander replaced everything, intentionally making a new city. 1 By 332 B.C., the city which boasted against God was annihilated. Regarding what is called Phoenician Tyre, (a) the empire was erased (b) the structures were left in waste (c) the people were replaced. Experts regularly call it a new city.

Alexander (some call the Great) was certainly not a believer that GOD is WHO HE says HE is, but he accomplished what GOD's WORD proclaimed would happen 250 years prior!  Don't let the enemy blind you to what GOD has told you will come about!  GOD is ABLE to do "far more abundantly" (Ephesians 3:20-21) than anything we can calculate.  HE isn't constrained by the elements that our minds are exposed to.  Alexander (the Great) died in a city now known as Baghdad, Iraq, formerly known as Babylon!

One thing that cannot be omitted from this writing is a phrase that I noticed when researching these verses on a secular internet search engine.  It says "The name of the city means "rock" after the rocky formation on which the town was originally built."  Ezekiel 26:14 begins with the words "I (GOD) will make you a "BARE ROCK".  The WORD of GOD, it can't be proven wrong!!!

Monday, March 27, 2017


Matthew 6:24                        (ESV)
""No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve "GOD AND MONEY!"

With all of the "busyness" going on around us, there seems to be a tremendous amount of disregard for honoring and worshipping GOD ALMIGHTY.   Can you imagine the founding fathers of the United States of America NOT having a quiet time with their CREATOR?  If the United States were trying to be set up today, would our founding documents make reference to "our CREATOR" like they did in the late 1700's?  Yet, the greatest nation ever founded was done over days, even months and years of praying and fasting for wisdom to draft words that would stand the test of "the enemy" in future generations.   And don't get me wrong, the assault from "the enemy" continues as "this world" becomes so busy that we fail to take time to recognize GOD ALMIGHTY for what HE has done, is doing, and what we hope HE continues to do.

My family has been no better than others!  We have been guilty of missing church for ballgames and other senseless activities that seemed to be important enough?  Why didn't I, the GOD appointed leader of our family, ever have our family have a gathering where we thanked GOD ALMIGHTY for the blessings HE sent to us?  Was time with my family not important enough?  Was I so blinded by the god of this world that I wasn't able to see that the time allotted for me to insure that the influence on my children was short and precious?

I'm telling you, it was a GOD thing for me to be used to set up a Non-Profit called Psalms 46:10 Ministries, Inc on June 06, 2014.  The way I NOW see it, the antithesis of the whirlwind of chaos afflicting this world today is to "BE STILL", and KNOW THAT GOD IS GOD!  The devil doesn't want us slowing our lives down to recognize GOD ALMIGHTY.   The devil would rather us continue doing anything but praying and fasting, as that is when we are emboldened by the HEAVENLY FATHER the most!

But most of us are trying to balance doing the things we can for the Kingdom while on the merry-go-around that provides "security" in this world.   We try to make friends with the things of "this world" while professing to be good "Christians".  JESUS said in Matthew 6:24 "you cannot serve "GOD AND MONEY"!  But here we are two thousand years later trying to get away with what JESUS said we can't do.  If we can't serve "GOD AND MONEY", which ONE will you choose to serve???

Saturday, March 25, 2017

"I WILL!!!"

Exodus 3:10-12                               (ESV)
"10 Come, "I WILL" (GOD speaking) SEND YOU to Pharaoh that you may bring MY people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt."
11 But Moses said to GOD, "WHO AM I (man speaking) that I should go to Pharaoh and bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?"
12 HE said, "BUT "I WILL" BE WITH YOU (GOD speaking), and this shall be the sign for you, that I have sent you: when you have brought the people out of Egypt, you shall serve GOD on THIS mountain."

Moses seemed to have MANY shortcomings that would have precluded him from being a perfect servant of GOD.  His past choices hung like a tremendous weight around his neck and he didn't feel like he was "worthy" to be used in Kingdom work.  But GOD typically doesn't use people who consider themselves holy.  In 2 Timothy 1:15  Paul, one of the most devout Believers of the New Testament, writes "The saying is trustworthy and deserving of full acceptance, that CHRIST JESUS came into the world to SAVE SINNERS, OF WHOM I AM THE FOREMOST"!  Moses had similar thoughts about himself.  But GOD's thoughts are higher than our feeble thoughts! (Isaiah 55:8-9)

In three verses above GOD, number one, speaks to Moses, instructing him on what HE wants Moses to do for HIM.  GOD could have supernaturally annihilated Egypt, but HIS Plan called for a humble man to be used by HIM to get Glory over Pharaoh and all of his hosts (Exodus 14:4;18;27)!  GOD knew the sins of Moses intimately, but GOD "chose" him anyway! GOD said "I WILL SEND YOU", not I will allow you to go.

But Moses replied "Who am I..."?  Moses wasn't worthy to even be tending the sheep that day!  But GOD used his abilities for HIS Glory and get the Children of Israel set free.  If it were me, I might have gone into see Pharaoh once, maybe twice, and then given up thinking he was TOO big for GOD!  But GOD knew Moses would do what HE ordained him to do and so HE "called" Moses to do it.

When GOD said "I WILL" be with Moses and the Israelites, the same GOD WHO saw that Moses would perform the tasks that HE ordained him to do also knew that HE would "harden Pharaohs heart" (Exodus 14:4) and HE would "GET GLORY over Pharaoh and all of his hosts".  Whatever GOD "calls" us to do for HIS Glory, when it comes time, HE will do what is necessary for HIM to be Glorified!  As much as man thinks he needs to KNOW how things will work out, we don't need to SEE how GOD is  going to accomplish HIS Plan!  We just need to TRUST HIM and know that HE is responsible for "I WILL!!!"

Friday, March 24, 2017


1 Peter 5:6-7                        (ESV)
"6 "HUMBLE YOURSELVES", therefore, under the mighty hand of GOD so that at the proper time HE may exalt you,
7 casting all your anxieties on him, because HE cares for you."

It almost seems so unfair that a lowly worm such as I could be chosen by THE CREATOR of the world to be used in HIS Plan to fulfill HIS purpose for my life!  That HE would use me to be ridiculed for HIS sake and scoffed at is the height of serving HIM.  It could be awfully easy to consider oneself as "having arrived" when GOD's Plan includes you, but in reality, it is GOD's Plan!  We are simply tools HE uses for HIS Glory!

Unless we "HUMBLE OURSELVES" under the MIGHTY HAND of GOD we run the risk of becoming to recognized and glorified for the works HE is doing in our lives!  All of the miraculous things HE has accomplished in my life are simply HIS nature.  From not having a father to raise me, to not making some horrible decisions in my youth, to marrying the only woman who would put up with my numerous "imperfections", to being a servant of HIS, I can truly state that I am where I am today simply because GOD has shown mercy on my life beyond measure.

Since GOD is so good to me and displays so much favor in my direction, why then hasn't HE blessed me with great wealth and earthly possessions?  Why do I have to seemingly struggle to "make ends meet" so much?  In 2 Corinthians 12:7 the Apostle Paul says "So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, A THORN WAS GIVEN ME IN THE FLESH, a messenger of Satan to harass me, TO KEEP ME FROM BECOMING CONCEITED".  Paul is considered by many to be the greatest Believer since JESUS walked among us.  Yet he was given a THORN IN THE FLESH to humble himself for GOD's Glory!

GOD has a way of allowing "things" into my life to "HUMBLE YOURSELVES" before HIM!  Don't let them become burdens, rather use these "things" to glorify HIM with your life.  If I am to be used for HIS Glory, and HE is to exalted by everything I do, I must constantly "HUMBLE YOURSELVES" before the MIGHTY HAND of GOD and accept that HE is more than capable of running this show!!!

Wednesday, March 22, 2017


John 21:15-17                       (ESV)
"15 When they had finished breakfast, JESUS said to Simon Peter, "Simon, son of John, do you love ME more than these?" He said to HIM, "Yes, LORD; YOU know that I love YOU." HE said to him, "Feed MY lambs."
16 HE said to him a second time, "Simon, son of John, do you love ME?" HE said to him, "Yes, LORD; YOU know that I love YOU." He said to HIM, "Tend MY sheep."
17 HE said to him the third time, "Simon, son of John, do you love ME?" PETER WAS GRIEVED because HE said to him the third time, "Do you love me?" and he said to him, "LORD, YOU know everything; YOU  know that I love YOU." JESUS said to him, "Feed MY sheep."

GOD, THE SON, WAS SPEAKING TO PETER and "THREE TIMES" HE asked him basically the same question!  There have been many interpretations of what JESUS was trying to get Peter to SEE by asking "THREE TIMES" if Peter loved HIM, and I'm inclined to believe that JESUS was doing what needed to be done to glorify THE FATHER!

THE MAIN PURPOSE OF JESUS WAS TO GLORIFY THE FATHER (as evidenced in John 17:4), whether it embarrassed Peter (or me) or not.  Keep in mind, GOD is not concerned with glorifying us in our brief time on this earth, HE is ALL ABOUT GLORIFYING HIS NAME!  Isaiah 42:8 says "I AM the LORD; that is MY NAME; MY GLORY I give to no other, nor MY PRAISE to carved idols."  We shouldn't try to add to this.

THE WORD OF GOD IS ALIVE AND ACTIVE according to Hebrews 4:12, which says "For the WORD of GOD is LIVING and ACTIVE, sharper than any two-edged sword, PIERCING to the division of SOUL and of SPIRIT, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the THOUGHTS and INTENTIONS of the heart."  I have entered these notes in a version of scripture that I frequent:  Sometimes I am confounded by being able to read the BIBLE exactly where I have read it before and it minister to me in a totally different way.   Some people don't understand.  They ask how can words that were written so long ago have such a varied interpretation?"

The bottom line is, GOD could have intended HIS WORD to be used different purposes for me during different times of my life.  HE could use HIS WORD to speak to you differently at various times of your life.  Be careful not to try to make HIS WORD say what "you want it to" though, for HE is the final judge.  Sometimes HE may need me to hear the same question "THREE TIMES" before I understand what it is HE is trying to teach me?  To be found worthy by GOD ALMIGHTY to tell me anything "THREE TIMES" is an honor and privilege.  Don't become "GRIEVED" when HE speaks to you "THREE TIMES"!!! Be BLESSED!!!

Sunday, March 19, 2017


Romans 14:3-4                      (ESV)
"3 Let not the one who eats despise the one who abstains, and let not the one who abstains pass judgment on the one who eats, for GOD has welcomed him.
4 "WHO ARE YOU" to pass judgment on the servant of another? It is before his own master that he stands or falls. And he will be upheld, for the LORD is able to make him stand."

My wife and I are blessed to have our oldest granddaughter visiting us this weekend.  She will be 2 years old next month and her rate of learning "new things" is literally astounding.  Watching her little mind at work got me to thinking about the Spiritually immature minds that reveal themselves to ALL who are inclined to observe.  You know, there are certain immature things that children do that have to be "overlooked", for they don't really know any better.  

It can be awfully difficult to continue to see an infant not maturing in their actions.  It can be equally troubling to see someone whose Spiritual growth is stunted, and maybe even retarded!  Nobody enjoys learning slower than others around them, but the fact is that some don't want to experience the difficulties to experience growth.  JESUS says in Mark 4:10-20 that "when tribulation or persecution arises on account of the word, immediately they fall away.".

"WHO ARE YOU" when tribulation and persecutions arise?  Do you stand firm and exhibit CHRISTLIKE characteristics?  Or do you WILT in the heat of the moment?

FATHER IN HEAVEN, my prayer is that I will be an instrument to be used for YOUR Glory!

Saturday, March 18, 2017


Nehemiah 8:10                         (ESV)
"Then he said to them, "Go your way. Eat the fat and drink sweet wine and send portions to anyone who has nothing ready, for this day is holy to our Lord. And do not be grieved, for "THE JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH"."

Having several friends who are currently experiencing relationship difficulties, it saddens me to see that people can 'go through' such trauma and not 'GROW THROUGH' the process.  GOD places some problems in our lives to mature us into vessels that can be used for HIS Glory.   It took MANY, MANY years for me to recognize this.

Every struggle you grow (go) through can be a blessing!  Don't let "the enemy" use bitterness and strife to keep you living in defeat.   If "THE JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH", live like it!  You MUST be sure that "THE JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH" though!  The devil IS A LIAR (John 8:44) and he will make you believe a LIE if he can to steal your joy!  He has to be reminded frequently that "THE JOY OF THE LORD IS YOUR STRENGTH!!"

Friday, March 17, 2017


John 10:10                              (ESV)
"The thief comes "ONLY" to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly."

The enemy "ONLY" has one operating mode, to steal and kill and destroy!  The "ONLY" option is JESUS and HE gives life and have it abundantly!  It is not a difficult choice, "ONLY" we get our thinking clouded at times!  For those who have clear vision, the "ONLY" choice is JESUS.  For those who listen to the lies of the enemy, life becomes extremely unsettled!  What will your choice be today?!?

Thursday, March 16, 2017


Acts 16:13-15                             (ESV)
"13 And on the Sabbath day we went outside the gate to the riverside, where we supposed there was a place of prayer, and we sat down and spoke to the women who had come together.
14 One who heard us was a woman named Lydia, from the city of Thyatira, a seller of purple goods, who was a worshiper of GOD. The LORD "OPENED HER HEART" to PAY ATTENTION to what was said by Paul.
15 And after she was baptized, and her household as well, she urged us, saying, "If you have judged me to be faithful to the LORD, come to my house and stay." And she prevailed upon us."

Recently I have been made to fully understand that GOD has to call us for us to even have a desire to surrender to HIS call.  In today's passage of scripture, Lydia already was "a worshipper of GOD", but she didn't KNOW JESUS and the price HE paid for her salvation.  

Most are aware of the Brain Hemorrhage I experienced on July 09, 2007.  So many things had to happen "just right" in order for me to experience a full and complete physical recovery from the Hemorrhagic Stroke.  Last evening I began writing this devotional at 8:04PM.  I was starting to get sleepy and came/went to bed.  I wrote the verses and the first paragraph above and came to bed and then checked my phone for emails and glanced at my social media accounts.  At 9:45PM I watched this account ( of a Neurosurgeon having a Meningitis attack that literally changed his life!

It is no COINCIDENCE that all of the occurrences surrounding my Hemorrhagic Stroke happened JUST the way they needed to allow me to survive the Brain Hemorrhage. Likewise, it was no COINCIDENCE that the video of the Neurosurgeon experiencing Meningitis came across my social media account literally an hour after I began this Bible Study!

On the wall of my social media account there is a saying that says "We have a GOD WHO delights in impossibilities"!  GOD doesn't work through chance or circumstance!  Lydia "OPENED HER HEART" because of hearing about the story Paul spoke to her.  Her entire family was saved because of her hearing, not because of chance or circumstance!  It's not chance or circumstance that you are reading this devotional today!  Perhaps GOD is trying to "OPEN YOUR HEART" with these stories like GOD "OPENED HER HEART"???  There is NO such thing as chance or circumstance!!!

Wednesday, March 15, 2017


Psalms 139:1-6                    (ESV)
"1 O LORD, YOU have searched me and known me!
2 YOU know when I sit down and when I rise up; YOU discern my thoughts from afar.
3 YOU search out my path and my lying down and are acquainted with all my ways.
4 Even before a word is on my tongue, behold, O LORD, YOU know it altogether.
5 YOU hem me in, behind and before, and lay YOUR hand upon me.
6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high; I cannot attain it."

I have MANY friends who are going through difficult times in their lives.  Some have lost a loved one, some have family members who are ill, some are dealing with marital issues, some are dealing with health problems of their own?  Our GOD is INTIMATELY involved with our lives and HE desires for us to TRUST HIM with the outcomes of our lives!

FATHER IN HEAVEN, I pray that I will be a support person for those who are hurting, distraught, dealing with death, and confusion today.   Please don't allow me to be so consumed with my own problems that I can't SEE my neighbors difficulties.  You can't SEE the pain of others if you're constantly telling others how much you hurt!!!


2 Timothy 2:14-15                     (ESV)
"14 Remind them of these things, and charge them before GOD "NOT TO QUARREL ABOUT WORDS", which does no good, but only ruins the hearers.
15 DO YOUR BEST to present yourself to GOD as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the WORD of TRUTH."

There are times when I am moved to just "BE STILL" in HIS presence and to fully experience that HE IS GOD!  As I was reviewing scripture this morning, I could not get passed 2 Timothy 2:15.  The King James Version uses the words "study to show thyself approved unto GOD", in other words, stay in GOD's WORD and let IT guide your life.  Regardless, to get so caught up with the cares of "this world" that we don't take time to spend a few minutes of each day with THE CREATOR (Genesis 1:1; Colossians 1:16) of the Heavens and the earth is kind of like saying our schedule is more important than HIS Plan for our lives!

GOD has really been dealing with me about using "flowery words" when writing about what HE is saying to me.  There are times when displaying we are literate is required, but there are sometimes that what needs to be said just needs to be said with no "QUARRELING ABOUT WORDS"!  We can attempt to use WORDS that are less offensive and are "more palatable", but scripture says that THE WORD of GOD "is sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and Spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart". (Hebrews 4:12).  The author of 2 Timothy instructs "NOT TO QUARREL ABOUT WORDS", rather to DO YOUR BEST to present yourself to GOD!  HE knows our "thoughts and intentions"!

We can get all worked up about WORDS (theology, church rules and regulations, etc...) and totally miss the boat when it comes to presenting ourselves to GOD!  We would do ourselves a tremendous favor if we "NOT QUARREL ABOUT WORDS" and instead focused on worshipping the true and living GOD!  Let "he who hath ears to hear" receive these words in the Spirit in which they are written!!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017


John 15:16                     (ESV)
"You did not choose ME, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the FATHER in MY NAME, HE may give it to you."

How many times has it been said "I will trust JESUS, just not right now"?  The chief problem with that statement can be found in John 8:44 when JESUS says "No one can come to ME unless the FATHER WHO sent ME "DRAWS" him".  A person cannot decide to put off a decision to live for CHRIST until they "feel comfortable" with it.  Some scholars report that the word "DRAWS" is the same word used to pull water from a well in a bucket.  GOD literally had to pull me out of the bottom of a well into HIS Divine Plan!!!

Unless GOD "DRAWS" a person they will not be saved.   How can you explain to me how you decided that you made a decision to follow JESUS CHRIST when HE says what HE does in John 8:44?  A person does not have the inclination on their own to "turn" to the LORD, so don't think you will come to JESUS later!  You can only come to HIM IF THE FATHER "DRAWS" YOU!

If you are in a position where there is at least an occasional tug at your heart strings to REPENT (turn around) and head in a different direction, PLEASE, before it's too late consider giving JESUS a chance to rescue you from the path you are on.......while the FATHER is still DRAWING you!!!

Monday, March 13, 2017


Isaiah 26:2-4                                               (ESV)
"2 Open the gates, that the righteous nation that keeps faith may enter in.
3 YOU keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on YOU, because he trusts in YOU.
4 "TRUST IN THE LORD FOREVER", for the LORD GOD is an everlasting rock."

A few years ago I may have thought I was a rather intelligent person, but in my maturing years I realize that sometimes I am not that bright!  As evidence of this, I recently was on a social media site and within 5 minutes observed no fewer than four memes that had some translation of Isaiah 26:4!  On the fourth one I FINALLY decided I needed to visit that scripture in my Bible to see what GOD was saying to me.

Immediately upon reading the first six verses my mind was caused to remember Exodus 14:4 which says "And I will harden Pharaoh's heart, and he will pursue them, and I will get glory over Pharaoh and all his host, and the Egyptians shall know that I am the LORD." AND THEY DID SO."  Now Pharaoh and all of the Egyptians probably didn't require a tremendous amount of effort to "harden" their hearts, just like some modern day people, but when GOD declares your heart to be hardened, you could be in a very dangerous situation!

But how do we answer those who say that GOD would never allow something so terrible to happen to anyone as in Exodus 14, that HE is too good to cause so much grief.  What about the Israelites who were in captivity to the Egyptians for the previous 430 years?  Did GOD just conveniently forget about that?  Could it be that GOD would not share HIS Glory with another, such as Pharaoh (Isaiah 42:8)???

But why do we CHOOSE to serve such a cold-hearted GOD?  John 15:16 states rather plainly "YOU DID NOT CHOOSE ME, BUT I CHOSE YOU AND APPOINTED YOU that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the FATHER in MY NAME, HE may give it to you."   We have the privilege, and the calling, to SERVE HIM and HIS mission for our lives.  Sure, others may be more successful in "this world", but the next world will be here far too soon and their wealth won't spend in eternity.

Since I have been CHOSEN and APPOINTED to SERVE HIM instead of having my heart hardened, I will continually "TRUST IN THE LORD FOREVER"!  Walking by FAITH (2 Corinthians 5:7) is not for the weak in SPIRIT, but if we "TRUST IN THE LORD FOREVER" HE will come through for us like HE has in the past!!!

Sunday, March 12, 2017


I John 4:13-15                    (ESV)
"13 By this we know that we abide in HIM and HE in us, because HE has given us of "HIS SPIRIT".
14 And we have seen and testify that the FATHER has sent his SON to be the SAVIOR of the world.
15 Whoever confesses that JESUS is the SON of GOD, GOD abides in him, and he in GOD.

Briefly, there is no human who is GOD, rather we have the "HIS SPIRIT" living inside of us.  GOD says in Isaiah 42:8 "MY glory I give to no other"!   It is written MANY TIMES "I AM", not we will!  In Exodus 14:14 it says " have only to be silent!"  

Don't let your eyes wander from your target!  "HIS SPIRIT" dwells only where HE directs, and we NEED "HIS SPIRIT' indwelling upon us!!!

Friday, March 10, 2017


Ezekiel 36:26-27                  (ESV)
"26 And I will give you a new "HEART", and a new SPIRIT I will put within you. And I will remove the "HEART" of stone from your flesh and give you a "HEART" of flesh.
27 And I will put MY SPIRIT within you, and cause you to walk in MY statutes and be careful to obey MY rules."

Why do people, especially me, choose to use language that demonstrates our vast knowledge of the English language, and try to maybe impress someone with our words, when GOD is the only ONE WHO can change a "HEART"?   A mind can be changed with words, but a "HEART" can only be changed by GOD.   People need GOD to change their "HEART", not elaborate words that show how smart we think we are.  

Think about this the next time you spend a lot of time trying to find the right words to say for a certain situation.  GOD doesn't need us, or our preacher to say the flowery words, or just the right music selection of a choir, or the beauty of our church house for HIM to act.  GOD needs us to realize and proclaim that HE is the ONLY ONE WHO can remove a "HEART" of stone and replace it with a new "HEART"!!!

Thursday, March 9, 2017


Romans 12:1-2                   (ESV)
"1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of GOD, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to GOD, which is your Spiritual worship.
2 DO NOT BE CONFORMED TO THIS WORLD, but be transformed by the RENEWAL of "YOUR MIND", that by TESTING you MAY DISCERN what is the will of GOD, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

The Brain Hemorrhage I experienced in July 2007 continues teaching me lessons almost ten years later.   While the entire experience was relatively easy for me, the unimaginable stress it put on my loved ones is something I would never want to duplicate.  But the life-lessons gained from the Hemorrhage are etched in my MIND like the traumatic event they were.

While I was in the almost three week drug-induced coma, I "dreamed" I was in various cities in the USA....Chicago Illinois, Arlington Texas, Little Rock Arkansas, Shreveport Louisiana, are a few of the places I was ENTIRELY convinced I had been.  It took about three to four YEARS for me to realize that, in fact, I had never left the hospital I was admitted.  The medicine that was being administered to me was probably making me THINK I had been places.  Bless my wife's heart, she kept telling me the TRUTH, and finally I just quit talking about it, FOR IN "MY MIND", I KNEW I HAD BEEN TO THOSE PLACES!!!!

"YOUR MIND" can play very convincing tricks on you!  The Apostle Paul STRONGLY SUGGESTED that we NOT BE CONFORMED (or to be in harmony or accord) with "this world", rather to be TRANSFORMED (or to change in condition, nature, orcharacter; CONVERT) by the renewal of "YOUR MIND"!  Many people allow their mind to guide them without purifying what is placed into their minds.  2 Corinthians 4:4 says "In their case the god of this world has BLINDED THE MINDS of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of CHRIST who is the image of GOD."  This is not an insignificant chore that can be minimized in "YOUR MIND"!  Recognizing that "your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour!" (1 Peter 5:8)

After seeing the movie "WAR ROOM" I developed my own PRAYER LIST that I keep on my electronic devices.  The very first thing on my PRAYER LIST is a phrase from a Bible Study I was doing at the time.  "Only by choosing NOT TO BE SLAVES to our own reasonings and emotions can we WIN THE BATTLE for OUR MINDS and begin hearing the voice of GOD within us."  We are in a BATTLE for our MINDS and the opposition is "the enemy"!  Don't allow "the enemy" to go undetected in "YOUR MIND"!  My prayer is "that by TESTING you MAY DISCERN what is the will of GOD, what is good and acceptable and perfect" and never give into the sneaky attacks of the devil!

Wednesday, March 8, 2017


Ephesians 4:30-31                     (ESV)
"30 And "DO NOT" grieve the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD, by WHOM you were sealed for the day of redemption.
31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice."

The are many instructions in the WORD of GOD.  Some are not so clear, seemingly leaving room for interpretation.  Others are rather plainly spoken, almost daring us to ignore.

Ephesians 4:30 is one of the latter, stating rather straight forward to "DO NOT" grieve the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD!  But do I grieve the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD with my actions from time to time?  Ephesians 1:1 says "Paul, an apostle of CHRIST JESUS by the will of GOD,....".  Since Paul was "an apostle of CHRIST JESUS BY THE WILL OF GOD" and "the HOLY SPIRIT of GOD" (Ephesians 4:30) "sealed" us for the day of redemption, could the actions of a human being OVERRIDE the WILL OF GOD and the "sealing" of the HOLY SPIRIT?  That individual must be awesomely strong to be stronger than the WILL of GOD!

A Bible Study on this topic has helped me.  It says "When believers do not allow the Spirit to be seen in our actions, when we do what we know is wrong, we suppress or quench the Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19). We do not allow the Spirit to reveal Himself the way that He wants to.

To understand what it means to grieve the Spirit, we must first understand that this indicates the Spirit possesses personality. Only a person can be grieved; therefore, the Spirit must be a divine person in order to have this emotion. Once we understand this, we can better understand how He is grieved, mainly because we too are grieved. Ephesians 4:30 tells us that we should not grieve the Spirit. We grieve the Spirit by living like the pagans (4:17-19), by lying (4:25), by being angry (4:26-27), by stealing (4:28), by cursing (4:29), by being bitter (4:31), by being unforgiving (4:32), and by being sexually immoral (5:3-5). To grieve the Spirit is to act out in a sinful manner, whether it is in thought only or in both thought and deed.

Both quenching and grieving the Spirit are similar in their effects. Both hinder a godly lifestyle. Both happen when a believer sins against God and follows his or her own worldly desires. The only correct road to follow is the road that leads the believer closer to God and purity, and farther away from the world and sin. Just as we do not like to be grieved, and just as we do not seek to quench what is good—so we should not grieve or quench the Holy Spirit by refusing to follow His leading."

None of us are able to live a life that is BLAMELESS before the LORD.  JESUS CHRIST's sacrificial LIFE is our ONLY HOPE!  The Apostle Paul wrote in 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 about a "thorn in my flesh" that the LORD told him was given to "keep me from becoming conceited"!  The same Apostle Paul wrote "DO NOT" grieve the HOLY SPIRIT!  We can live for HIM and still make mistakes, as long as we "DO NOT" surrender to our selfish desires and continually grow closer to HIM!!!

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


John 14:3-7                         (ESV)
"3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to MYSELF, that where I am you may be also.
5 Thomas said to him, "LORD, "WE DO NOT KNOW" where you are going. How can we know the way?"
6 JESUS said to him, "I AM THE WAY, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the FATHER except through ME.
7 If you had known ME, you would have known MY FATHER also. From now on you do know HIM and have seen HIM."

Knowing where you are going is VITAL to your journey.  If you don't know where you are going, you are like a ship without a sail, being blown wherever the wind chooses for you to go.  JESUS could SEE the future, as well as the past and present, and HE told the disciples "YOU "KNOW THE WAY" TO WHERE I AM GOING."  I'm not sure they had contemplated WHERE they were headed and what it would cost them?  But JESUS wanted them to KNOW HIM, and for that to be enough!

Our ultimate "destination" can sometimes be hidden by the plans we try to make for our trip to the "destination"?  A tremendous price has been paid for us to be "with JESUS" (Philippians 2:7; Ephesians 2:6; Romans 6:4), so why do we want to "hang around" grave yards where death and disappointment flourish?  Two of the greatest tools the enemy has as his disposal are fear and doubt!  There is grace and forgiveness IN CHRIST, but the enemy wants us to be saddled with guilt because we can't live a HOLY life!  The HOLY life has already been offered on our behalf by JESUS CHRIST, and we cannot improve upon it!  We can only do our best to live for HIM during our earthly lives.

Thomas said in John 14:5  "LORD, WE DO NOT KNOW where you are going. How can we know the way?"   But JESUS said "YOU "KNOW THE WAY" TO WHERE I AM GOING"!  There may be times when we may not can SEE where we are going, but if JESUS is s already there we "KNOW THE WAY" TO WHERE HE IS GOING!  We may have to walk in the darkness, but we "KNOW THE WAY"!!!

Monday, March 6, 2017


Colossians 3:2                     (ESV)
"Set "YOUR MINDS" on things that are above, not on things that are on earth."

Today I have been listening to Dr. Charles Stanley preach a sermon named "Taking Control of Your Thoughts".  The enemy is attacking me ferociously during the past few days, and that usually means GOD is getting ready to do something!

I will not get into how the enemy is attacking my mind, but Dr. Stanley says in his sermon that "YOUR MINDS" is the threshold for yourself, and the enemy loves to plant seeds of fear and doubt in my mind to cause me to get my thoughts off of the Promises of GOD.  

Perusing a social media site after listening to Dr. Stanley, I noticed my name mentioned on a post where a lady was assisted who was in need.  Now I didn't ask to be recognized, but it was if GOD was telling me that HE is getting Glory from my life in spite of the fear and doubt the enemy attempts to bog me down with.

Please don't let the enemy blind you with his tactics!  "YOUR MINDS" are where he will do his best to begin his warfare.  If we "set "YOUR MINDS" on things that are above," then the enemy loses AGAIN!

Saturday, March 4, 2017


1 Corinthians 5:6-10                     (ESV)
"6 Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of GOD so that at the proper time HE may exalt you,
7 casting all your anxieties on HIM, because HE cares for you.
8 Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour.
9 "RESIST HIM", firm in your faith, knowing that the same kinds of suffering are being experienced by your brotherhood throughout the world.
10 And after you have suffered a little while, the GOD of all grace, WHO has called you to HIS eternal glory in CHRIST, will HIMSELF restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you."

It can sometimes be disheartening to continually live our earthly lives in a state of ferocious attacks from the devil.  He is very adept at being the disruptive force of anything GOD is doing.  If you are doing anything for the LORD, chances are that you have, or will, experience satan's best attacks.   He isn't going to mess with someone who poses no agenda.  He wants them to feel comfortable and content with what they are doing and where they are going!

There is nothing magical about defending yourself against the enemy.   The most important thing that one can do is to identify and recognize that our enemy is.  He is apt to show up when you least expect it and will try to cause problems with anything drawing praise and honor to the King of Kings and LORD of LORDS.

Don't get caught up with the words "RESIST HIM" as you can lose sight of worshipping our CREATOR, and that is the most offensive thing to satan.  Like a lot of people I know, he adores himself so much that he desires all praise and adoration be centered around himself, and no one else.  Focus on GOD the CREATOR and how HE provided a means for us to get to Heaven and HE will elevate you in due time (v.6)!  We need to "RESIST HIM" and celebrate life in JESUS!!!

Friday, March 3, 2017


Galatians 3:6-9                       (ESV)
"6 just as Abraham "BELIEVED GOD", and it was counted to him as righteousness"?
7 Know then that it is those of FAITH who are the sons of Abraham.
8 And the Scripture, foreseeing that GOD would justify the Gentiles by FAITH , preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, "In you shall all the nations be blessed."
9 So then, those who are of FAITH are blessed along with Abraham, the man of FAITH."

Reading Psalms 46:10 ("BE STILL, and know that I AM GOD; I will be exalted among the heathen, I will be exalted among the earth") can be an interesting experience.  LIVING Psalms 46:10 can be quite a TRYING experience!  Letting GOD be GOD is not for the weak, rather for those who have FAITH beyond measure.

However, there is very little we attempt in life where we actually "let GOD be GOD" and place our trust in HIM "completely" for the outcome HE desires!  Abraham believed GOD was WHO HE said HE was, and GOD blessed him because of his FAITH.  Abraham did not have to trust GOD, rather he CHOSE to.

Why do I get a preconceived idea of what I "think" GOD may be trying to accomplish and try to "run" with it, sometimes in my own "strength"?  Abraham might would have preferred to stay in "Ur of the Chaldeans" (Genesis 15:7) to "build his legacy", but instead he chose to "walk by FAITH" and was lead to Jerusalem where GOD blessed him greatly.   All because Abraham CHOSE to BELIEVE that GOD was GOD and that HE would do what HE said HE would do!

Imagine, if you will, what GOD could do with my life if I CHOSE to TRUST that HE is GOD and will do what HE says HE will do???  HE may do what HE has declared to be HIS Will where I am, or HE may require me to move to a new "land flowing with milk and honey"!  (Exodus 3:8; Genesis 15).  GOD said it and Abraham "BELIEVED GOD"!  Do I BELIEVE GOD???

Thursday, March 2, 2017


1 Corinthians 3:1-5                    (ESV)
"1 But I, brothers, could not address you as spiritual people, but as people of the flesh, as infants in CHRIST.
2 I fed you with milk, not solid food, for you were not ready for it. And even now you are not yet ready,
3 for "YOU ARE STILL OF THE FLESH". For while there is jealousy and strife among you, are you not of the flesh and behaving only in a human way?
4 For when one says, "I follow Paul," and another, "I follow Apollos," are you not being merely human?
5 What then is Apollos? What is Paul? Servants through whom you believed, as the LORD assigned to each.
6 I planted, Apollos watered, but GOD gave the growth.
7 So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only GOD WHO gives the growth.
8 He who plants and he who waters are one, and each will receive his wages according to his labor.
9 For we are GOD's fellow workers. You are GOD's field, GOD's building."

"Each of us are responsible for our own actions", I have heard it said by many who are far wiser than me!  While I am FAR from what I need to be, and hope to be, if you look at where I came from, one can only say that I must serve an AWESOME GOD!   Just this week I was reminiscing with a lifelong friend and he reminds me of what GOD brought me out of as a child!  Then last evening while giving the devotional at church, I was caused to recall the Brain Hemorrhage of July 2007.  Remembering where we were previously is vitally important when we are assessing our current situation.  

The Apostle Paul was writing in 1 Corinthians about immature Believers in the church.  He said they were acting like children, full of "jealousy and strife among you, are you not of the flesh and behaving only in a human way"?  This could be spoken about many modern fellowships, people who have no idea that GOD really is in control.   Sure, worldly people are going to act worldly and produce evil acts from their lives.  But just as GOD was in control before "The Flood" in Noah's day, HE will one day send HIS SON back to earth to fulfill HIS Promise.  When HE does, "this world" will undoubtedly act as though they DESERVE MERCY!  But mercy is defined as "compassionate benevolence", not getting what is due!

There are more than a few people that fall into the category of "YOU ARE STILL OF THE FLESH"!  Scripture is replete with instances where GOD speaks to HIS children SPIRITUALLY, not in the FLESH!  We must become more like GOD (SPIRITUAL) and less like "this world" (FLESH)!   Will it be said of you, "YOU ARE STILL OF THE FLESH"?  Or can you SEE the things of the SPIRIT???