Tuesday, March 14, 2017


John 15:16                     (ESV)
"You did not choose ME, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit and that your fruit should abide, so that whatever you ask the FATHER in MY NAME, HE may give it to you."

How many times has it been said "I will trust JESUS, just not right now"?  The chief problem with that statement can be found in John 8:44 when JESUS says "No one can come to ME unless the FATHER WHO sent ME "DRAWS" him".  A person cannot decide to put off a decision to live for CHRIST until they "feel comfortable" with it.  Some scholars report that the word "DRAWS" is the same word used to pull water from a well in a bucket.  GOD literally had to pull me out of the bottom of a well into HIS Divine Plan!!!

Unless GOD "DRAWS" a person they will not be saved.   How can you explain to me how you decided that you made a decision to follow JESUS CHRIST when HE says what HE does in John 8:44?  A person does not have the inclination on their own to "turn" to the LORD, so don't think you will come to JESUS later!  You can only come to HIM IF THE FATHER "DRAWS" YOU!

If you are in a position where there is at least an occasional tug at your heart strings to REPENT (turn around) and head in a different direction, PLEASE, before it's too late consider giving JESUS a chance to rescue you from the path you are on.......while the FATHER is still DRAWING you!!!

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