Monday, March 6, 2017


Colossians 3:2                     (ESV)
"Set "YOUR MINDS" on things that are above, not on things that are on earth."

Today I have been listening to Dr. Charles Stanley preach a sermon named "Taking Control of Your Thoughts".  The enemy is attacking me ferociously during the past few days, and that usually means GOD is getting ready to do something!

I will not get into how the enemy is attacking my mind, but Dr. Stanley says in his sermon that "YOUR MINDS" is the threshold for yourself, and the enemy loves to plant seeds of fear and doubt in my mind to cause me to get my thoughts off of the Promises of GOD.  

Perusing a social media site after listening to Dr. Stanley, I noticed my name mentioned on a post where a lady was assisted who was in need.  Now I didn't ask to be recognized, but it was if GOD was telling me that HE is getting Glory from my life in spite of the fear and doubt the enemy attempts to bog me down with.

Please don't let the enemy blind you with his tactics!  "YOUR MINDS" are where he will do his best to begin his warfare.  If we "set "YOUR MINDS" on things that are above," then the enemy loses AGAIN!

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