Monday, March 27, 2017


Matthew 6:24                        (ESV)
""No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve "GOD AND MONEY!"

With all of the "busyness" going on around us, there seems to be a tremendous amount of disregard for honoring and worshipping GOD ALMIGHTY.   Can you imagine the founding fathers of the United States of America NOT having a quiet time with their CREATOR?  If the United States were trying to be set up today, would our founding documents make reference to "our CREATOR" like they did in the late 1700's?  Yet, the greatest nation ever founded was done over days, even months and years of praying and fasting for wisdom to draft words that would stand the test of "the enemy" in future generations.   And don't get me wrong, the assault from "the enemy" continues as "this world" becomes so busy that we fail to take time to recognize GOD ALMIGHTY for what HE has done, is doing, and what we hope HE continues to do.

My family has been no better than others!  We have been guilty of missing church for ballgames and other senseless activities that seemed to be important enough?  Why didn't I, the GOD appointed leader of our family, ever have our family have a gathering where we thanked GOD ALMIGHTY for the blessings HE sent to us?  Was time with my family not important enough?  Was I so blinded by the god of this world that I wasn't able to see that the time allotted for me to insure that the influence on my children was short and precious?

I'm telling you, it was a GOD thing for me to be used to set up a Non-Profit called Psalms 46:10 Ministries, Inc on June 06, 2014.  The way I NOW see it, the antithesis of the whirlwind of chaos afflicting this world today is to "BE STILL", and KNOW THAT GOD IS GOD!  The devil doesn't want us slowing our lives down to recognize GOD ALMIGHTY.   The devil would rather us continue doing anything but praying and fasting, as that is when we are emboldened by the HEAVENLY FATHER the most!

But most of us are trying to balance doing the things we can for the Kingdom while on the merry-go-around that provides "security" in this world.   We try to make friends with the things of "this world" while professing to be good "Christians".  JESUS said in Matthew 6:24 "you cannot serve "GOD AND MONEY"!  But here we are two thousand years later trying to get away with what JESUS said we can't do.  If we can't serve "GOD AND MONEY", which ONE will you choose to serve???

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