Friday, March 24, 2017


1 Peter 5:6-7                        (ESV)
"6 "HUMBLE YOURSELVES", therefore, under the mighty hand of GOD so that at the proper time HE may exalt you,
7 casting all your anxieties on him, because HE cares for you."

It almost seems so unfair that a lowly worm such as I could be chosen by THE CREATOR of the world to be used in HIS Plan to fulfill HIS purpose for my life!  That HE would use me to be ridiculed for HIS sake and scoffed at is the height of serving HIM.  It could be awfully easy to consider oneself as "having arrived" when GOD's Plan includes you, but in reality, it is GOD's Plan!  We are simply tools HE uses for HIS Glory!

Unless we "HUMBLE OURSELVES" under the MIGHTY HAND of GOD we run the risk of becoming to recognized and glorified for the works HE is doing in our lives!  All of the miraculous things HE has accomplished in my life are simply HIS nature.  From not having a father to raise me, to not making some horrible decisions in my youth, to marrying the only woman who would put up with my numerous "imperfections", to being a servant of HIS, I can truly state that I am where I am today simply because GOD has shown mercy on my life beyond measure.

Since GOD is so good to me and displays so much favor in my direction, why then hasn't HE blessed me with great wealth and earthly possessions?  Why do I have to seemingly struggle to "make ends meet" so much?  In 2 Corinthians 12:7 the Apostle Paul says "So to keep me from becoming conceited because of the surpassing greatness of the revelations, A THORN WAS GIVEN ME IN THE FLESH, a messenger of Satan to harass me, TO KEEP ME FROM BECOMING CONCEITED".  Paul is considered by many to be the greatest Believer since JESUS walked among us.  Yet he was given a THORN IN THE FLESH to humble himself for GOD's Glory!

GOD has a way of allowing "things" into my life to "HUMBLE YOURSELVES" before HIM!  Don't let them become burdens, rather use these "things" to glorify HIM with your life.  If I am to be used for HIS Glory, and HE is to exalted by everything I do, I must constantly "HUMBLE YOURSELVES" before the MIGHTY HAND of GOD and accept that HE is more than capable of running this show!!!

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