Saturday, April 6, 2019


Isaiah 30:18-19                                          (ESV)
“18 Therefore the LORD waits to be gracious to you, and therefore HE exalts HIMSELF to show mercy to you. For the LORD is a GOD of justice; BLESSED ARE ALL THOSE WHO WAIT FOR HIM. 
19 For a people shall dwell in Zion, in Jerusalem; you shall weep no more. HE will surely be gracious to you at the sound of your cry. As soon as HE hears it, HE answers you.”

There are so many instances when I believe that GOD has told me that HE is going to work in a certain manner in HIS time, then HE does something that TOTALLY and COMPLETELY goes against what I thought was the best way for HIM to accomplish HIS PLAN, and it leaves me thinking that I must have misunderstood what HE told me???  Did ALMIGHTY GOD tell Moses that HE was going to split the RED SEA to save the Israelites?  No, but GOD did tell Moses that HE was going to lead the Children of Israel to the Promised Land (Exodus 3:7-9) so that he could always remember the Promise of GOD when hardships were evident to Israel. 

In Isaiah 55:8-9, Scripture says “For MY thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways MY ways, declares the LORD.  For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are MY ways higher than your ways and MY thoughts than your thoughts.”  And in 2 Samuel 22:31, once again Scripture states “This GOD-HIS way is perfect; the WORD of the LORD proves true; HE is a shield for all those who take refuge in HIM.”  GOD never explained to Moses exactly what HE was going to experience on the journey, only that HE was in control and that HE would take care of HIS Children!  

GOD IS STILL GOD especially when HE is operating outside the realm of what is too be expected from the situations of “this world”!  From my personal “Red Sea” moment, when I was in a desperate situation in July 2007, GOD reversed my course and literally hours later I was dramatically better?  Since I was in a drug-induced coma, I was neither inclined to assist, nor could I assist, in my condition!  Trusting in GOD’S Plan, TOTALLY, took on a completely different meaning as I had no ability to do anything else.  Could it be that HE was displaying that HE was very capable of doing MIRACLES without my help and intervention?  

HE is STILL teaching me how much HE doesn’t need me to help or intervene in the journey HE has for me.  As much as I want to have a sign or indication of WHEN HE is going to deliver my Promised Land experience, HE requires me to WAIT UPON THE LORD!!!  “For the LORD is a GOD of justice; “BLESSED ARE ALL THOSE WHO WAIT FOR HIM” should be emblazoned on my forehead!  

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